What's Your Problem, Bro?!

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My sister REALLY made me angry...
So, she already threw two tantrums today, and, to keep from snapping her neck, I put on some music. I had my headphones on as I was getting groceries out of the car. As I was trying to pull out this fat-butt pack of soda out, she walked over and unplugged them. I whip around.
"WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM, BRO?!! I WAS LISTENIN TO DAT!! You know what, here, carry THIS." I hand her a really heavy bag and point at the house. She gets all sulky but knows that I'm angry. She walks inside. Point. Proved.
I'm still angry at her...
She's in the kitchen...
I'm glaring at her...
She's staring at me like I'm crazy...
I am...

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