Chapter One

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"Have you thought any more on the subject?" Nick Couslon-Fury grunted towards his half-asleep husband lying sprawled our across the sofa. Phil say up slightly. "Are you sure you want to do this? It's a pretty big deal, looking after a kid." He answered, moving over to where his taller and older husband stood. Nick nodded. "I've always wanted this, I promise you it's not a mistake." He whispered huskily.

Phil moved around Nick to grab a cup of coffee off the counter beside the dirty little machine. "Hey!" Nick protested. "That's mine!" Phil chuckled. "Looks like you'll have to make another one, Nicky boy." Nick groaned as Phil went back to the sofa, opening up his laptop which lay on the neighbouring coffee table in the centre of the living room.

"Whatcha looking at?" Nick enquires, a new cup of coffee in his hands as he sat beside Phil. "Just looking for the best place to adopt from. You know, you have to foster first. We'll have to go to some training before we even get the chance to meet any kids." Nick nodded, eagerly placing his chin on his husbands shoulder.

Usually, Nick was an angry bastard, taking charge, shouting at people, being a total dick. But with Phil he was different. And on the subject of things e actually wants, well, you wouldn't think it was Nick Fury. And that's cause it isn't. Nick Fury is the director of S.H.I.E.L.D, a weapon-dealing organisation, but Nick Coulson-Fury is kind, loving husband to Phil Coulson-Fury, the man who wants a family and a nice, long, loving life.

"How about that one?" Nick pointed to the second web link that came up on Google. Phil shrugged and clicked it. It was a fostering system called Hydra - it had so many kids in it!

"The First foster care training day is this Monday - want to go?" Phil asked. Nick nodded, smiling as he clicked on all the foster kids profiles, their beaming faces lighting up the computer screen. Nick nodded. "I can't wait." He breathed.


(A/N: Because I can't be bothered to go through the whole foster training process, so this is about 6 months on - it usually takes about four to six months) Nick smiled at Phil as they walked into a large field owned by the Hydra Foster Care System.

There were loads of kids and teens and current foster carers trying to be rid of the kids. There were other couples and people looking for their own kids. It was a very happy atmosphere, quite different from what Nick and Phil were used to.

Suddenly, a bubbly young woman ran over to them, a clipboard in her hands. "Hi," she said breathlessly, clearly from all the running. "My name is Ella. Ella Ivytooth, and I'm a part of the Hydra Foster Care system. All I need are your names, age, phone number and/or email, and whether you're looking to foster, adopt, or if you're here to I've the kid you have up. It's very simple really, but I can't let you go any further without being registered." Nick and Phil nodded. By the woman's expression, it was obvious quite a lot of people were here to give up their kids or charges, which was quite an upsetting concept to grasp.

"My name is Nick Coulson-Fury, I am sixty-six years old. My number is ********** and my email is We're looking here to adopt, though I assumed fostering came first." Ella grinned. "Oh, it does. By sometimes people only look to foster, not adopt, so we need to decipher between the two." Nick nodded as Phil gave his information.

Ella wrote down their info and took them across the grounds where children and adults roamed free. Finally, she came up to another woman.

"This is Reese Jones." She explained. "She will help you find the child of your dreams." The men both grunted in agreement as Ella wondered off.

Reese beamed up at them and began to talk, and it was then that the men figured that she was Australian. "So, what age range are you two looking for and what gender. Those are usually the best ways to go between the kids. Then there's whether you want one or siblings, but when it comes to certain children they even have to stick with cousins." She was a very fast talker, Nick realised, and he wasn't even sure what to say when she, very quickly, finished.

Phil nudged his husband and nodded towards the blonde lady. "Er... we don't mind really." Nick answered, searching his husbands face for help. He realised he didn't have any, and that whatever kid they got, it was his. Nick really loved his husband.

Reese smiled. "That's nice - it's good to keep an open mind. So, is it just the one?" Nick again looked over to his husband, who shrugged. "Well... I guess we can go for siblings." The directors face was uncertain, but when Phil smiled and nodded, he knew it was the right decision.

Reese nodded and spread her arms out wide towards the whole field. "In which case, every child here is looking for a home. However, be weary. Sometimes people bring their kids here so that someone else can take them, and if they're desperate, they'll come up to you to try and take their kids. But please, don't be pressured to do so." Nick and Phil nodded and took off, ready to start the beginning of their new life by finding the child of their dreams.

A/N: Ok, so this is my first Avengers fan fiction, and I'm not gonna lie, I haven't watched all the marvel movies, and the ones I have watched have been watched in the wrong order. Sorry for any mistakes, but here we go. I've also started writing another MCU fanfic which should be up in a few days with a lot more shipping.

~ Megan

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