Sorry :/

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I'm sooooo sooooo sorry for not posting for along time. But, I have my reasons. First, I just moved and me and my family have been going around looking for furniture and there is NO staying at home when your parents want to go to IKEA OF ALL PLACES when you've lived in a place where one is like 9 hours away. Plus I had cheer practice (Before I moved). Sense my great aunt is only about 2 hours away from me now, I had to spend a week at her place. She had so many things planned for me that I didn't have time to even write. So, all in all please don't be mad at me.

Butttttt, Thank you for 200 reads!!! I know it may not be a lot to some of you but for me it's absolutely amazing :)

Again, I'm sorry I started school again and the homework has been crazy. Annnnddddd, I've been super lazy too so I'll try to write more now. After moving I had to restart a bunch of the things I do after a pretty long break. I've been busy wit that too. I may sound like I'm complaining but trust me I'm not. Or well maybe I am but annnnnywayyys, sorry again :/

450 reads thank ya'll so freaking much!!!!!! I can't believe it. I never thought that a little thing like this could grow so fast. You are all so supportive even if I'm gone for a while. I'm so lucky even though I don't know almost any of you personally ya'll are super nice. Thank you!!!!!!!!!! Man, now I feel like I just won a Emmy with that huge speech thing... Oops :) Well have a great day, night or whenever you are reading this. -Charlotte ♡︎

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