Chapter Five-A Fight to the Death♡︎

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y/n's POV

Mason ran out the door and I crawled under the covers and covered my face with a pillow. Lydia rubbed my back and I eventually fell asleep, wondering why this had to happen to me. 

~In The Morning~

My eyes fluttered open and I looked around the room. "Where am I?" "WHERE AM I?!" "ANYONE?" a masked figure cam out slightly. He had blue eyes and blonde hair. I couldn't see right away, as it was dark with the sunlight barely shining through the small cracks of the blinds. The ominous figure stepped further into the small amount of light, revealing an extremely familiar face. My eyes slowly adjusted to the low light, revealing once again, a perfectly clean and basic room.  Suddenly, I saw the figure dart across the room opening the blinds. A wave of sunlight flooded in, making me squeeze my eyes shut almost instantly. I cracked my eyes open slightly, trying to adjust to the sudden change of brightness. Much to my surprise, the figure was already gone once I had opened my e/c eyes fully. I let out a sigh, getting out of the bed I was previously sleeping in. I looked around the room, hoping to find something that would give a clue as to where I was. I whipped around, looking at the window. I had no idea where I was. It was just grass with a few other houses that looked decently close. The thing was, I was on the second story. There was no way I could get out without hurting myself in some way. Turning around and walking to the door, I realized it was locked from the outside. "Stupid" I huffed lightly, heading over to the dresser. I opened all the drawers and to my dismay, there was nothing in any of them. I just sat on the bed, finally realizing there was a phone charging on the nightstand. I turned it on, looking at the "enter password" screen. I pondered for a few seconds before entering the simplest thing I could think of, "1 2 3 4". The phone popped open to a bland home screen, containing a few basic apps. I was honestly surprised someone had a password as simple as  that. Switching through the different folders, I realized there was a camera app. I opened it, tapping the small picture in the corner. I slowly scrolled through all the pictures. Most were just sunsets or basic things like wallpapers that weren't being used; but then, a picture of two people came up. Two blondes with blue eyes, one with smooth, straight hair and one with bouncy, curly hair. They looked a bit like Lou and... Mason... "weird" I thought, placing the phone back down as I had no success of finding anywhere to call or text on. I focused my attention on finding a way to escape the small bedroom. Window? Nope, locked and too high up. Door? That was locked too and it would be too risky anyways. Any secret walls or bookshelves like the movies? Nope, this wasn't a movie. I huffed, falling back onto the bed.

     Suddenly, I heard a click. I shot up, my head snapping to look at the door which seemed to now be unlocked. I darted to the door, waiting a few seconds for whoever was there to go away. I heard some foot steps and opened the door as slowly and silently as possible, tip toeing my way out of the small room. I went down the stairs so slowly and silently, you could hear a pin drop. But suddenly, I heard a crash of what seemed to be glass, I took this as a chance to dart toward the door which was in arm's length, grabbing the door knob, I flung the door open to a very familiar street. I ran in the direction I thought I knew best, looking around to find the large, skyscraper like building I had seen day after day. My eyes darted around, finally locking on the building. I ran and ran, until I finally got to the tower, looking behind me every once and a while as to make sure no one had been following me. I sighed, looking around once more to see if I knew any one around. I sighed, walking back to my house, as I knew the directions from there, despite only going to the tower once.  

     I opened the door to my house, locking the door behind me and sprinting up the stairs to my room. I fell backwards on to my bed, looking up at the familiar ceiling. I took deep breaths, trying to regain my composure after running that far. I took a smaller breath as my breathing had now slowed but I couldn't. My chest felt so heavy. I had no idea what was happening. I shot up, hoping to get some air into my lungs, only getting a small amount of air in. I took another breath, failing to pull any air in this time.

     Hellooooo! It's been a while since this book had a proper update. But I'm actually back! You guys get a cliffhanger until I decide I don't want to focus in class again, heh. But anyways, I hope you liked this part! Also, let me know if you would want this book duplicated but with different pronouns like they/them, he/him, xe/xem, so on! Anyways, have an amazing day, night, evening, where ever it is where you live and get some sleep. I know a bunch or you are guilty of staying up super late at night reading fanfictions and such, but do yourself a favor and get some sleep. And Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and Sinterklaas for all my readers! I hope you all have a wonderful December! If you want to, let me know what you celebrate! I love to hear all the different holidays and traditions different religions and cultures have! 

さよなら -Charlotte♡︎

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