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He startles awake a few hours later, not any more dead than he was to start with because yeah, like he'd be so lucky. The only thing Alucard's bothered to do is move from the wall away from the fire to the one next to the fire, practically sitting on top of it. Trevor suspects vampire magic is involved because he really should be wrecking his clothes from the embers.

Trevor presses his palm against the side of his impossibly intact neck while pondering his options. This has the potential to be extremely boring. Hm.

"Enjoying Gresit?" he asks.

Alucard just stares at him impassively.

"Really feeling good about your decision to stick around this crumbling pile of shit?"


"Maybe you could explain your genius vampire plan. Because I'm a total idiot, so I can't figure out how sitting around for days just to annoy me helps everyone."

"It's not to annoy you."

"Bull fucking shit. You wanted to leave and you're only doing this because I agreed with that."

"I was mistaken. I initially believed... The monsters under the mausoleum were there for months already."


"If they were meant to do anything more, there was ample time."

Alright, so he's not concerned about those monsters in particular, but, "But the giant swarm of demons is doing things, and we need to go deal with that."

"And as I'm sure you're well aware, my father's castle can move," Alucard tells him with condescending slowness.

"I don't work for your dad," Trevor says yet again. Fuck, Alucard's really stuck on that.

Ignoring Trevor's very good point, Alucard continues, "I do not know its current location or have any way to reach it."

"What if I said I- " Trevor tries.

Alucard just says over him, "His most likely action will be to move the castle here once he learns his creatures have been killed off."

So there was more to it than just refusing to do what Trevor wanted. And, fair, he can see the reasoning. Explains why Alucard hadn't objected to just sitting around the last time either. "Dracula won't, though."

"I believe he will."

"I don't know why you'd want the castle here anyway," Trevor says. "You really want to see people get their faces blown off by the shockwave when it arrives?"

"The castle can move seamlessly," Alucard says in offended tones. "That would be pointlessly sadis...tic...yes, I see what you mean." He's silent a moment, one hand fidgeting at his scar, then, "There is nothing I can do to prevent that. It will happen whether or not we are actually here."

"Except the castle won't be here. And it'll be hopping around the rest of Wallachia instead."

"As you are also aware," Alucard continues, now with obvious irritation, "I do not believe you or anything you say."

Okay, yeah, that was a problem. Trevor sighs. "So we wait around until you realize you're wrong about this and everything, and that the castle won't show up." And it was nice to get a chance to eat and sleep and breathe but he's done that, it's not exactly like he's got to worry about his health, and if he's not going to get drunk he really doesn't want to spend time with his own thoughts. Really, really doesn't. It's exhausting, thinking around things all the things he isn't and is never thinking about, and he's apparently got to keep it up for the rest of eternity. "You're still totally fine with the sun, right?" Trevor asks, getting to his feet. "No reason to stick around inside?"

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