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So turns out this is in fact surprisingly compatible with S3, partly because S3 didn't move the timeline much forward and partly because apparently my reads of the characters were more valid than I expected. Hooray, and also, I'm so sorry. (And we got two whole vampire facts and THAT contradicts something I decided, of course...)

Trevor is planning on spending the rest of the day, or possibly forever, he's flexible, seething at Sypha and the unmitigated gall that is her thinking she has any right to talk to him about not dying. It's probably - okay, definitely - fucked up but the fact is incandescent rage is an improvement on any other emotion he can think of.

But it's nearing evening and the rest of Gresit still exists, in its nonexistent but convincing and distracting way, and he was busy with the courtyard and the ice ghosts and forgot there's also fake terrified people to deal with.

Right. He already knows all this, it'll be a snap.

Demons? They're dead. There won't be another attack anytime soon. Yes, really. Yes, really. Go home, actually sleep. No, the hugging and crying should be directed at Sypha. Take one for the team, Sypha.

God? God's part in this is for priests, Trevor cannot overemphasize that he is not qualified in the area, but yeah, Trevor does think burning the not-a-church down tomorrow is a fine start. Whatever went wrong there went wrong enough the bishop and his men couldn't tell, so Christ alone knows how, or if, it's fixable, and yeah, Trevor agrees that's fucked up and creepy and in conclusion, fire. ("Vindictive much," Sypha mutters, and he is absolutely not, God, "Torches for the goose are torches for the gander.")

Lazy-ass vampire Jesus? He's still around, don't worry about it.

"Can he be trusted?" someone demands, and huh, that's sensible and not at all what Gresit was like. Slipping, God? The person next to him tries to shush him like a mythical savior would leave everyone to die over one person not kissing his floating ass enough, which is precisely what you'd expect from the people of Gresit, but he continues, "If he's the son of this vampire..."

Oh, yeah, Trevor did not share that particular fact originally for obvious and now validated reasons. "Yes," Trevor says. "He's also the son of a human. He tried to stop Dracula a year ago and got cut almost in half. And if you can't trust someone Dracula wants dead, who can you trust, right?"

That doesn't just convince the man but gets a strong ripple of approval about how yes, that does make perfect sense.

...wait, does that mean Trevor's wrong about something? Hm. He kind of is, yeah, since the bishop's dead despite being wholly untrustworthy and he's sure there's plenty of other bastards out there getting ripped up by demons as well. Maybe that's the secret to being believed by people, you've got to be wrong and it's just about being wrong in the right way.

Aw fuck why is Sypha frowning what is it, did she realize that, what's the issue it's not like she even cares about lying to people.

"What are you mad about?" he whispers.

"I'm not," she lies back. Fine, be that way. It's not like Sypha will actually be able to drop a subject.

And then, barely a few steps after Trevor convinces the crowd to go to their homes, or into someone else's home because fuck if he cares where exactly, she whispers, "Alucard said that if we were all dead, the vampires would die too. That they'd starve without humans to eat."


"And he's a vampire," she continues.

"I don't know," Trevor says. "He said he didn't eat people and I know he doesn't."

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