Chapter 2 Just your usual... More quirk training!!

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Deku POV:

I walk down the U.A dorm hallway ready for another day at the high school I once dreamed of attending. As I get into the lift a familiar face I realise is already in there... it's Ochaco ugh I mean Ururaka ha ha. I tap her on the shoulder as she is lost in her own little world. She snaps out of her trance and looks at me quickly.

"Heya! How are you Ururaka?" I ask politely. She doesn't answer for a few seconds and then replies "Oh! Yeah I'm fine thanks Deku. How about you?" She asks whilst her face grows a pinky red colour. As soon as she asked me this I turned a crimson red and started panicking "I...I am g..good t..thanks!" I finally stutter out. "Good good..." she replies. I don't realise it but I'm staring at her chocolate eyes that are reflecting the light from the elevator's lightbulb.

I get brought back to reality when I hear a ding signalling we are supposed to get off. So that's what we do...but at the same time getting stuck in the door. Oh god oh god!!!!! I'm so stupid I should've let her gone first like a real gentleman should (sorry to all the feminists our there) " U...Ururaka I am s..sorry" I say as I manage to get out and rush to the common area to get some breakfast.

I see Todoroki already sitting at the table with Kirishima and Kaminari. They wink at me and for a while I don't realise why until I remember who's standing next to me. Ochaco... "Quit it out guys seriously!"

Ochaco POV:

Deku looks flustered about something I wonder why maybe it's too hot for him in here but I don't really know. Momo and Tsuyu are sitting on the sofa with cheese bagels watching the news so I joined them. "Morning guys!!" I greet them as I sit down. "Morning Ochaco" they say in unison.

On the news is something terrible that happened a few days  ago with a villain named Funsaisuru. His quirk is called shatter and what his quirk needs him to do is touch someone with any finger and their bones will shatter instantly but the drawback to such a great power is nauseousness and dizziness. It's a great quirk that a lot of villains wish they had but they could only dream.

"It's so horrible what's happening out there isn't it" Yaoyorozu declared. "I know right it's horrible" Tsuyu answered. I just stared at the television with no emotion in my eyes whatsoever This is the worst villain I've seen so far but I know endeavour will take him down right now that All Might has retired after all.

We all finish breakfast and make our way towards the school for another days work of boringness and other stuff. "What do you think we're doing today Mineta?" Denki asked. "Not sure but I hope it involves boobies!!" This class is as lively as ever I see but maybe not in a good way. I couldn't help but wonder where Deku was because I hadn't seen him since earlier this morning. I shrugged and carried on my walk toward the U.A high.

Deku POV:

"So All Might I wanted to talk to you about something before we all got to school, it's about my training." I tell my master/role model. "Go on my boy," he says whilst I can clearly see him listening. "All Might I wanted to talk to you about my shoot style techniques and trying to get my one for all mastery up to standard because at the moment I'm pretty much useless which makes me feel like I shouldn't have been the one to inherit one for all in the first place,"I stare at All Might for a while before he pats me on the head and tells me "My boy some things you can't rush even if you need them really badly and quickly you still have to be patient because you can't cheat in the game of life," All might smiles at me while still patting my head slowly. "Thanks All Might I will be the successor as soon as I can do don't worry about anything leave the rest to me!" All the master could do was smile and tell himself that it wasn't a younger version of him he was seeing. "Ok you better get to home room you don't want to be on Aizawa's bad side trust me I've been there," I quickly stand up and say my goodbyes to All Might before leaving in a hurry.

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