Chapter 12 Nothings changed!

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Hi welcome to the newest chapter hope you enjoy or something.

Izuku POV:

After waking up the next morning I expected to see the pale white wall of the hospital and the uncomfortable mattress all alone but what I found was the complete opposite. The warmth of a light brown room mostly plain with an actual really comfortable mattress finally but most importantly I was in my own pyjamas! Just kidding I'm with Ochaco so I'm not alone and oh boy have I wanted to be this comfy for a long time. She clearly wasn't going to wake up anytime soon though which kinda made sense since it was the weekend after all anyway. It was like nothing had ever changed before and we were a normal couple going to a normal school. It only made sense that I went back to sleep as the brunette next to me clearly wasn't going to budge.

Huh a dream oh wait not any normal dream this is clearly a lucid dream. Anyway why am I having a lucid dream for? I ask the question to myself before receiving an answer from an ominous voice. "You are lucid dreaming because of the message I have been told to give you" A...a...a voice can hear my thoughts! AGHHH. Wait that means he can hear me now as-well. Whatever might as-well listen to him since I can't speak for some reason. "Good choice I guess. So the message that I have been told to give you is.... believe nothing anyone ever says to you other than the people you can trust completely." Is that all?! "Look man I'm just a delivery guy so I don't know anything else. Right imma go see ya man." Wait dont leave NOOO!

My eyes fluttered open slowly revealing a girl leaning over me her hazel eyes filled with concern. "Izuku! Are you ok you've been heavily breathing and sweating badly and at one point you shouted no. I need to know are you ok?!" She was clearly panicking. "Ugh I um I'm alright Ochaco thanks for worrying though." I showed her a pretend smile hoping she wouldn't see past it. "Izuku are you really ok cause that smile says otherwise. Your not very good at hiding things" I sigh and shake my head. "I just had a lucid dream where I was told that I shouldn't believe anyone except from people I trust 100%." She looks at me with concern again. The girl in front of me was obviously more confused than I was. "Don't worry about me anyway I can take care of myself. If I really need your help I'll ask but at the moment I don't need your help thanks though." I gave her a real smile this time. "Alright then. I love you Izuku." I look at her lovingly with my jade green eyes a small smile visible on my face. "I love you too Ochaco" after that we went into a kissing session.

Seen as it's Saturday today would be a good day to train my body to handle one for all even better than I already can. For now though I better get to my usual training spot. I brought water and a hand towel with me as my usual stuff. This feels oddly familiar like this already happened before but whatever let's carry on shall we. As I got outside and set my things down I had the sudden idea to see how high I could climb the nearest tree. Don't know why but hey ho might as well do it. I climb the tree slowly making sure not to fall I reached the top and looked around. As I suspected more trees and the building. Better get down since there's nothing up here. I activate one for all full cowling and jump from the tree using 5%. As I was halfway through the air something kinda different changed but I couldn't tell what. Maybe I hit something on the way down. Doesn't t matter I'm fine it's fine.

I walk over to where I put my stuff but where I originally thought I had placed them they weren't there so I looked both right and left looking for my stuff. It was to my left and I walked over to it. Just then I received a message on the phone I had placed on my towel. I picked up the phone and the bright screen read
Iida: Where are you Midoriya? Have you had any breakfast?
Ok this is just weird now I swear I had this exact same conversation with him before. I've said whatever to many times but whatever.
Midoriya: I'm outside the dorms doing some training and no I haven't eaten anything
Iida:I will come your way with a few cereal bars. Do you mind if I bring Todoroki and Kirishima aswell? Maybe we can do some sparring.
Midoriya: Sure y not I love sparring with my friends.

When they all arrived I just waved and all of them waved back...except... Todoroki who was....looking a little....BASHFUL?! This has definitely happened before I remeber this happed before my fight with Funsaisuru heck I didn't even know who he was then. Do I have some sort of amnesia or something what's going on? I decided to leave it for now but if anything else happens that is strange then I'm going to be worried. We start talking and eat our cervical bars. Nothing weird has happened yet let's carry on. "Who's ready for some sparring then? I sure am!" Kirishima shouted. I nod and so does everyone else. "Great let's begin me vs Midoriya first!" I nod again. Right let's not hurt him let's use 5% full cowling. I start to run at him with a curled fist. Just when I expect my punch to land s something hard I hit nothing and stumble over.

Ow. Wait what's going on where am I. Wait I know where I am the exact same place. But there is dead bushes and grass everywhere debris spread everywhere. I look up to see Funsaisuru fighting the one and only me. Ok this is getting to weird now. I use one for all again and return back to the present.

—Understanding time—

One for all (one of (my own) the nine powers

Time reversal and forward

He can now turn back to any time in the past he wishes or any time in the future he wants to. He has to be in the exact place he wants to be in when he time travels though. He can use it as much as he likes but it takes energy as fuel. He can decide whether he wants the Deku from the past to be there or just himself.

— End of understanding time—

This might be one of the nine powers that were passed down through one for all. A kind of time travelling power could come in handy with me. But I'm kinda tired. I better get a handle on this quirk and ask All Might about the details. Yeah sure 'nothings changed'.

Thanks for reading the latest chapter guys. See you In the next one. I'm totally original I think.

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