Chapter 18 Wait a sec

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Hey guys welcome to a new chapter. I'm thinking about Instead of carrying this book on I move to a new book. Carried on not an entirely new book just like a sequel but I'm not sure. What do you guys think? Anyway enjoy!

Izuku POV:

Wow I feel like today is going to be a great day. I get up out of bed and make my way to my desk to scope out my room to check if I need to clean my room and it looks like I do. Well I guess I know what I'll be doing later. I make my way down the stairs whilst looking at my watch which reads 8:15 so everyone has probably already left for school by now.  I make my way to the kitchen and make myself some toast with eggs and bacon which smells delicious when I'm making it. Though I can't help but believe something is missing... the ketchup! Or maybe it's something else. I just shrug it off and carry on making my breakfast which I chow down on in a matter of seconds.

Walking back up to my room this time equipped with a vacuum and a duster. Ugh I just wanna go back to U.A already but they told me to take a break so I can't ugh. As I walk into my room I feel like I'm missing something in here too but I don't know what it is. Again I shrug it off and get on with some cleaning. Wow I didn't now cleaning could be this rewarding because it is calming and when your done it looks a lot better than when it started. I like listening to music whilst I'm cleaning because it makes it feel a lot quicker than it is. After doing the vacuuming I bring back down everything I took up and looked at my clean room. Not bad but I definitely feel like I'm missing something! I go into deep thought my memory trying to piece together what it is. Something with a circular design of some sort and links with like gravity or something. Hmmm I have no idea really. I give up and sit on my bed.

I sigh knowing that I'll never find out what I'm missing. Why is everything so ha- I notice something on my bedside table. It looks like a... flower. To be exact a daisy. What's a daisy doing on my bedside table? I think to myself, hand on chin. I am like this for a while before realising that I must've been given it by someone. Who could have given me this daisy? I don't know anyone who'd do that. Suddenly I become sleepy and try to lie down which I do but halfway on the bed. Then I fall asleep. "Your useless!" I hear a voice boom. "Your missing someone not something idiot. Think I can't just give you the answer because that wouldn't make me a good mentor. So think Deku!" I realise who it is and nod. The fourth user just gave me a hint I've gotta believe him about this and think! I strain my brain extremely badly but manage to remember something . "I like Deku it kind of sounds like the kanji for you can do it!" I come out of my head and look down at my hands. "This person told me Deku sounded like a good thing and it sounded like a girl because of the soft voice she had."

After a while of thinking nothing came to mind other than quotes like "Your watching too Deku?" And "Deku your up next right?" "Deku!" These quotes didn't really give me and idea but they did show that this girl cared about me a lot. I think I know what her last name is. It's something like Uraruak or Arukura or maybe Ururaka but I'm not sure. I need to remember so now I'm going to stress my brain. The most I've done before. I grunt and groan but eventually a flashback start. "Deku w...what are you doing? We're floating." I shush her and kiss her in the air. As we part I whisper to her "I love you Ochaco Ururaka." When I come back to I look around my room quickly and then focus my attention to the middle. "I remember..." I whisper. "I remember her beautiful hazel brown eyes matching her hair. I remember her round face with her rosy cheeks which sometimes shined in the light. I remember how she'd always work hard knowing that her family would live a better life if she accomplished her dream. I remember her and I remember I loved her and still do." I knew I needed to find her again.

Looking around my room for a clue was the difficult part. All I could see where things I had always seen before. My desk, All Might figures and posters, framed pictures of me and my mom and this daisy. I don't remember the daisy! I think to myself. I make my way over to it and pick it up. It looks like any normal daisy and it could have possibly been. I wasn't giving up that easy though I knew there was something wrong with it. I looked through the petals expecting to find something and I did! Huh what's this? Some sort of camera? It is! I pick up the small camera which enlarged in my hand. I looked over it hoping it wasn't videoing me. Which it wasn't because it had run out of battery. I need to take this to the police station. I walked out of the dorms and informed All Might I needed to the shops. Little did he know that I was carrying my hero suit in a bag with a camera and my hero licence.

I walked for about 10 minutes before finally arriving at a police station and told them to track the camera. I showed them my hero licence and they nodded, approving my request. Once it had been tracked they told me to go to a run down apartment quite a while away from where I was so I used one for all to get there. Landing in front of the apartment I looked up to see it really was run down and I knew this was going to be more difficult than my fight with Funsaisuru. I walked towards an alleyway and put my bag down getting my hero costume and hero licence out. I got dressed and put my hero licence in my pocket. I once again stood in front of the apartment filling up with rage, anger and frustration walking towards the door. "This is it." I say before reaching my hand for the door handle. I opened it and stepped inside.

Stay tuned because the last two chapters are the last ones and I'll be moving onto a new story. I've really enjoyed writing this book and thank you guys for all your support I never thought we'd get as far as 2k reads closing up to 3k now. Thanks so much and thanks for reading this chapter and my book!

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