Peter // Nothing *REQUEST*

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* This was requested also by @Creative_Writer_1998
Thank you for being patient with me! I hope you like it *

Nothing. Absolutely nothing. She should have felt something—sadness, guilt, heartbreak—but instead (Y/N) felt nothing. Why did she feel nothing?

He died two days before the funeral and yet she had received hundreds of apologies from people of all ages. Widows sympathized her for they knew what it felt like to lose someone that important, friends sympathized her since they could not imagine what it would feel like to lose someone that important and his family sympathized her because they didn't know how she would go on. But she never wanted it.

Part of her wondered if she was broken, that maybe she was so traumatized that she was sent into the darkest emptiness imaginable but that wouldn't explain how she could still smile when she looked at the sunset. How could she feel nothing after losing her soulmate?

His name was Tom. They met at the café down the street from their school when he accidentally took a seat across from her in what he thought was an empty booth. They hit it off and somehow that gave them the conclusion they were soulmates. It might have been the desperation that they were 17 and still soulmate-less or maybe they subconsciously just really wanted it to be true but (Y/N) and Tom thought they were soulmates.

(Y/N) sat in that cemetery hours after the ceremony had commenced, sitting alone next to the freshly filled grave on a bench dedicated in Tom's name. Though she sat right beside it, she couldn't face the grave and instead stared at the bouquet of flowers Tom's mother thought she would like to have, but the beautiful red roses felt like they were mocking her. She wasn't even grieving.

An odd sound came in front of her and as she turned to look, she was met with a man clad in the same colors as the roses and a deep blue.

"Spiderman," she spoke mindlessly, suddenly aware of a superhero standing in front of her and her boyfriend's grave.

The hero stood frozen as his hands wrung themselves as if he was nervous to be there. With the mask covering his face, (Y/N) had no way to tell what the hero was feeling, or really why he was there.

Well that wasn't exactly true. She had a sneaking suspicion that the hero might make an appearance due to the cause of death; Tom died in the crossfire between Spiderman and his latest enemy.

Spiderman took short strides up to the girl who had in a rush picked up the flowers and set them on her lap, watching a few of the petals fall onto the dirt from her fast movement. He took a seat beside her but made a conscious effort to put a large distance between them so to not overstep any boundaries. In his mind, he had no idea how she would react to seeing the unintentional killer of her soulmate.

Spiderman opened his mouth to speak but she had beat him to it.

"It was a nice service." Her voice was cold and bitter, reminding him of day old coffee. "The school choir sang and his football team made a speech. It was... nice."

Spiderman just watched her talk as a way to judge if he should speak or not. He had hoped that maybe just his presence was enough to show her how sorry he was, how much guilt he felt, but when she didn't speak again, he knew he'd have to say something.

"I'm sorry. He was never supposed to get hurt." Spiderman chose his words very carefully, not wanting to say anything that might set off the grieving woman, though he didn't know yet that she wasn't grieving.

(Y/N) shook her head. "I don't blame you. You did your best to protect everyone. Who knows how many people could have died if you didn't stop him." And she meant every word. Heroes are only people and you can't expect people to be perfect and save everyone. "At least you can live with a clear conscience."

She hadn't meant to say it out loud but thinking about what she was feeling made the guilt in her swell to unbelievable heights. Spiderman could live with the fact that he couldn't save one kid in a fight to save millions but how can she go on knowing she doesn't even miss who she thought was her soulmate?

"What do you mean?"

(Y/N) scoffed, glancing over at the hero. "I'm not talking about my horrible thoughts to a mask."

Spiderman didn't know what it was that came over him but after a beat had passed, he reached up to pull the mask off his head, revealing the face of a messy haired, teenage boy.

The two looked over at the same time and something strange happened. Dull eyes sparkled once again, pale skin returned to its rightful color and the frowns on their lips both seemed to pull upwards.

Neither of them was sure who moved first – maybe it was simultaneously – but both Peter and (Y/N) reached their hands into the dead space of the bench, fingers meeting in a tingling touch.

And for the first time in as long as (Y/N) could remember, she felt something. 

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