Peter // Don't Ask Me That *REQUEST*

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* This was requested by @-Kuruka
I hope you enjoy! *

For the fifth night in a row, (Y/N) was up way past midnight to take care of her boyfriend's wounds. His blood stained spider-suit was hanging in her closet as she tried tending to the large gashes carved into his torso. She certainly couldn't fix these wounds on her own - a hospital would need to do that - but she could do enough that would let his enhanced healing take over.

"Love, go slower. Go slower," Peter whined as she dabbed the blood around the largest gash on his stomach. His hands clenched at the countertop he was sitting on, coming very close to warping the marble with his super strength. With his eyes sealed tight, he didn't see the tears flowing down her cheeks and her bloody lip.

She felt every pinch of pain from his wounds, every darkened bruise, every swollen cut; every ounce of pain he felt was projected onto her. Out of all the advantages of soulmates, this was the biggest disadvantage.

He let out another whine as she moved on to another gash across his ribcage. "Ow! Ah, that hurts."

She hadn't meant for it to come out, but she mumbled out the first thing that came to her mind. "Maybe if you stopped being Spiderman, it wouldn't hurt."

Peter's eyes darted open to find hers that were focused on the wound, tears rushing out of them. "Please, don't ask me that."

"How can I not ask it when I'm in pain all the time!" The girl raised her voice, tossing the towel in her hand towards the sink though regretted it a second later when she felt the sharp pain spread through her entire torso, all the pain coming from Peter. "Every time you get hurt, I feel it too. Every cut, every bruise... I am always in pain and you seem to always forget that!"

This wasn't the first time the couple had this talk. Even before they learned they were soulmates, (Y/N) would get sudden, unprompted spurts of pain lasting normally a day or two before fading away. The cuts were never on her skin but she could feel them as if it was happening to her. It wasn't until she met him, found out he was her soulmate and learned his alter ego that all that pain seemed to make sense. But even though she knew why it was happening, she still didn't like feeling it.

Peter hated what he did to her, unintentionally of course. Before they met, Peter had no issue getting himself thrown around like a child's toy if it meant the city was safe but after her, he wanted to give it all up. His soulmate, his other half, his love felt every bit of the pain he felt and it seemed the safety of the city no longer was worth it if it meant (Y/N) was hurting. But how could he put one girl over the millions of other people? That's the only reason why he continued hero-ing even if it killed him to know how much it hurt her.

"(Y/N)," he let out a sigh, using a lot of effort and dealing with a lot of shared pain to bring her into his chest. A hand came up to hold the back of her head, the other pressed against her back while hers wrapped around his waist, though careful not to touch any of his wounds.

"I wish I could take it all away," he spoke honestly. "I don't want to do this anymore if it keeps hurting you." He could feel her shaking her head against his neck but he continued on before she could get any words out. "I'll be more careful. I'll let Mr. Stark and the other Avengers take care of things more often so that I can spend more time safe, here with you."

Peter kissed the side of her head, feeling her tears soaking his exposed skin. "I'll protect us better, angel. I promise."

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