Peter // August 10th

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August 10th, a random day towards the end of the year, right when summer ends and school begins, but for (Y/N), it was the day her soulmate was born.

Peter Parker was 18 today, finally a legal adult with more responsibilities than he had throughout his entire childhood. And even though this should be a day of celebration, he had lost his joy of the annual holiday years prior when he lost all of his loved ones in a short period of time; if they couldn't be here to celebrate it, then he didn't want to celebrate it at all.

(Y/N) made a point this year to change his mind. Peter was such a selfless man and deserved the entire world handed to him on a silver platter. As long as (Y/N) was breathing, she would make this day the best he had ever lived.

That brought her tumbling into her seat at the daily lunchroom table where her two friends were already sat waiting for her. She had to be fast if she wanted to talk to the two of them before Peter would get there considering she wanted today to be a surprise that Peter would never be suspecting.

"Okay, let's get started!" She tossed her backpack onto the table and pulled out a small notebook to flip to the exact page where her list had been scribbled down. "First, I'm going to do his homework for him while he's patrolling so that when he gets home it's already done. Second, I'll have sandwiches wating for him as soon as he gets home, thanks to Mr. Delmar. Oh that reminds me—"

"Yes, (Y/N). I will pick up the sandwiches," Ned chimed in with a mouthful of his lunch. Him and MJ were in on the plan today but they agreed they wanted this day to be between Peter and May despite how much (Y/N) and Ned wanted to be there. They deserved this day together more than anyone.

(Y/N) smiled. "Thank you. Third, I will put on Empire Strikes Back in the living room with all their blankets and pillows. And lastly, I will give him his cupcake and his card and go home, succeeding at being a good girlfriend."

She had been so focused in rethinking the plan that she didn't even notice Peter walking over to the table. "But you are a good girlfriend. Why wouldn't you be?"

Panicking slightly at the thought of getting caught, (Y/N) shoved her notebook back in her bag and hastily pushed it onto the floor haphazardly. Ned and MJ could only snicker across from the startled girl.

"I am! I-I mean I just hope I am." She instantly rolled her eyes at the awful lie she tried to concoct on the spot. Of course he can see through me, she thought.

Peter wrapped his arm around her, holding her chin with his other hand and pressing a kiss to her forehead. "You're the perfect girlfriend but a terrible liar." He smiled and pulled back slightly to give her the biggest shit-eating grin. "This better not have something to do with my birthday today."

"Birthday? Pssh, I didn't know that was today. But happy birthday, darling." She kissed his cheek and rested her head in the crook of his neck while he thanked his other two friends for their birthday wishes. He had reminded them numerous times that he didn't want anything for his birthday so the small wishes during their lunch period was more than enough. He just had to wait until tonight to finally feel just how loved he was on his special day.


Everything had gone perfectly. Peter's homework mimicked (Y/N)'s so she easily copied her work onto his papers (not that the teachers would ever find that out), Ned delivered the sandwiches at the exact time they agreed, and the living room was prepped for a fun night between a nephew and his aunt. Thanks to (Y/N), he'd hopefully have the best night ever.

Peter was right on time returning from patrolling. He entered through his window and changed right out of his sweaty suit and into a comfy pair of pajamas. Upon exiting his room, he was shocked by the room in front of him.

He saw Aunt May lounged out on their couch with his favorite sandwich sitting beside hers on the coffee table, Empire Strikes Back playing behind her and his girlfriend sitting at his countertop with the brightest smile he's ever seen on her.

"What's—what's all this?" The blushing boy walked towards his girlfriend, arms stretching out to hold her to his chest.

"I know you hate your birthday but I wanted you to still have your special day out of the spotlight. You and May are gonna enjoy a night with your favorites things all alone and without anyone reminding you of today."

The thoughtfulness of this girl had brought Peter to tears. Nobody had ever done anything like this for him before, showed him more love than she had in a single day. How can he not fall more deeply in love with this girl?

Peter pulled her in without a second thought, crashing their lips together and holding her tighter than he ever had. Swollen lips mixed hard together, Peter pouring all of his thanks into her like this because words couldn't do justice.

"Quit sucking her face Peter and just thank her," May chuckled from the couch, though she was touched at the kind girl who held her dear nephew's heart. She was more than happy to know Peter was taken care of by her.

Peter pulled back and pressed his forehead against hers, breathing her in as if he wanted to memorize her and her entirely, starting with her scent. Her skin pressed tight to his fingertips felt like fire spreading from his hands and up to his chest where it burned at his heart, engulfing him in warm flames. She was his whole world and this was the beginning of their life together.

As soon as he opened his mouth to thank her, she gently shushed the boy with her finger pressed lightly to his lips. "No need to thank me, sweetheart. Just go enjoy the night with May and call me before you go to sleep, yeah?"

Peter nodded a few times before pressing a lighter kiss to her lips. "I love you so much."

With a smile grazing her lips, (Y/N) replied, "I love you too. Happy Birthday." 

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