Peter // The Cure

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I'll undress you, 'cause you're tired
Cover you as you desire
When you fall asleep inside my arms
May not have the fancy things
But I'll give you everything
You could ever want, it's in my arms

Three in the morning was not when (Y/N) wanted to be awake. She should have been soundlessly sleeping with the soft whirring of the fan keeping her in the steady trance; but when her boyfriend appeared, badly hurt, at her window, what else was she supposed to do?

The suit, generously made by his mentor and father figure, had rips tearing apart the fabric so that pieces of his chest poked through only to showcase the blood that stained his once light skin. Though the cuts were bad, the purple bruises on his face made the girl's stomach churn.

"Oh, Pete," she cried, coming dangerously close to tears. Despite knowing of his alter ego for years, the sight of him in this much pain always broke her heart.

She was extremely careful to remove the suit from his body, having to slowly peel it away from the two open gashes. Once it was off, she dug through her drawers for a few seconds before pulling out a pair of sweats and a large sweater, coincidentally, they were both his.

"They're not your suit but they will keep you warm until you're under the covers." Peter didn't care if they weren't some high tech suit like the one Mr. Stark had made him. They were from his girl and that already meant the world to him. Plus, they smelled like her.

So baby tell me yes
And I will give you everything
So baby tell me yes
And I will be all yours tonight
So baby tell me yes
And I will give you everything
I will be right by your side

"Come on. Sit down."

As Peter took his spot on the bed, he gazed down at the red and blue sitting in a crumpled mess on her bedroom floor. "I'll have to tell Mr. Stark that I ruined his suit."

A finger to his chin lifted his head up where his eyes met a pair of soft, (Y/E/C) ones. "Tony Stark will be happy to know the suit is ruined if it means the person inside it is alive and well." Her words nearly melted his heart entirely, elated that he had a girl like this to remind him why going out every night to get punched a million times was worth it. "I can tell him, sweetheart. I'll call him in the morning."

If I can't find the cure, I'll
I'll fix you with my love
No matter what you know, I'll
I'll fix you with my love
And if you say you're okay
I'm gonna heal you anyway
Promise I'll always be there
Promise I'll be the cure

Peter had his back to her when she started patching him up. She ran over his skin first with a damp washcloth, easily wiping away all the dried and still wet blood that caked his skin. With all the blood gone, she could clearly see where the injuries lied and was able to begin healing them as best as she could.

None of them required stitches, thank goodness, but the bandages she had would not heal them completely; unfortunately, they would only protect the wounds from worsening.

"Pete, there's not much I can do," she voiced her concern. "I'm not a doctor." Peter knew this but he still felt a lot better knowing a bandage was covering his wound and not his sweaty suit.

(Y/N) wouldn't be able to heal him with her knowledge in the medical field but that didn't mean she couldn't try. Bandages were better than nothing, ointment would help even if only a little and if all else failed, she had a new idea.

Rub your feet, your hands, your legs
Let me take care of it, babe
Close your eyes, I'll sing your favorite song
I wrote you this lullaby
Hush now baby, don't you cry
Anything you want could not be wrong

"Stand up," (Y/N) whispered her order as soon as all of her work was finished. She did what she could but his quick-healing-spider-powers would have to take over for now.

Peter listened automatically and stood up so he could slip the sweatpants onto his legs, finding out moments later that the sweatshirt hurt too much to wear. When he turned back around, he found his girlfriend lying inside her bed, the covers pushed back and her eyes inviting him over. He took his place between her legs with his head resting on her chest and arms circled around her waist, eyes almost immediately finding themselves closed when she started combing her fingers through his oily hair. She scratched at his scalp with her finger nails and between that and the soft hum coming from her chest as she sang his favorite song, he felt like he was in a trance.

So baby tell me yes
And I will give you everything
So baby tell me yes
And I will be all yours tonight
So baby tell me yes
And I will give you everything
I will be right by your side

"Just say the word and I'll get it for you," she spoke in a hushed tone so to not ruin the calm atmosphere of the room. Though it proved to be a little difficult, Peter tilted his head up to meet her eyes. "You go out every night to save the city so it's my turn to save you, Pete. Say the word and I'll give you the word."

Peter smiled the most innocent of smiles, cheeks starting to heat up. "This is all I want. For you to be right by my side." Peter had never spoken more honest words.

If I can't find the cure, I'll
I'll fix you with my love
No matter what you know, I'll
I'll fix you with my love
And if you say you're okay
I'm gonna heal you anyway
Promise I'll always be there
Promise I'll be the cure

(Y/N) couldn't take away the burden he carries from being Spiderman. She couldn't heal all of his wounds instantly with the snap of her fingers like she wished she could. She couldn't stop the universe from sending every curse imaginable onto the boy who held her heart so dear.

But she could love him. Loving Peter was such an easy thing to do in her eyes that it never felt like anything besides a blessing she was given. She could take care of him, heal him of his daily troubles and anxieties when healing his gashing wounds were too much. She couldn't stop him from being Spiderman but she could make it feel worth it, because that's what Peter Parker deserved.

I'll fix you with my love

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