Peter // Resolution (Pt. 3)

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* Part 3 to Turning Point

 I'm sorry I've been gone all week. I lost my motivation but it's back! I hope you all enjoy! *

Resolutions are supposed to be the end of the movie. They're the happily ever after when the prince and princess defeat the evil queen and ride off into the sunset. Or when the superhero defeats the villain, saves the girl and earns a kiss for his bravery. Peter Parker was used to never having happy endings but he hoped this one would end differently.

As soon as the thing took (Y/N), he went back to the hotel as fast as he could to draw up a plan to save her. Ned and Michelle were heartbroken to hear the news but they trusted their superhero friend and knew if anyone could save her, it would be him.

Thankfully, he had some help. For reasons unknown, Nick Fury had made a sudden trip out to Europe and insisted on helping the young hero save the girl. In his help he also gave Peter a new suit that would certainly aid in his rescue mission. All of the odds were in his favor but now he had to save her.

"You know the plan, Spiderman?" Fury had heard tons of stories (mostly positive) about Peter from the very own Tony Stark but he had his doubts when it came to his age. He just wanted to be sure Peter was right for the job.

Peter nodded. "I'm ready but I still think I could be doing more." The plan was simple: they would enter the monster's lair—the coordinates made known when three other beings of similar size and shape appeared in the same city—Peter would find (Y/N) and get her out of there while Fury and his partner, Agent Hill, defeat the villain and take him into custody. While Peter wanted more action, he wanted (Y/N) safe above all.

"You need to get that girl out of there like I'm telling you. Leave the giant water-man to me." Peter nodded, choosing not to fight this war but instead focus on the real battle at hand. He was going to save his girl.

As soon as the superhero and the two agents were all suited up, they set off on their mission. Peter's adrenaline was higher than it had ever been before. He had faced the Vulture, Captain America and even a giant purple alien but saving (Y/N) had his heart racing unlike any of those other battles. She was in danger this time and his chest physically hurt because of it.

"Hey," Maria caught his attention as they ventured down the canal. "You doing alright?"

Peter nodded once again. "I'm ready to get her back." The woman had a ghost of a smile before turning away and acting as if it had never happened before. Young love, she thought.

The boat traveled under a large bridge, way larger than the one (Y/N) was taken from, but still unpleasant nonetheless. Without the sunlight, the underneath was bathed in a dark shadow that brilliantly hid the monster that was quickly approaching.

"Incoming!" Fury noticed the monster but was a moment too late when the being shot out of the water, taking its shape as a large man to look down at the three below. The mouth opened again and what sounded to be a laugh came out with another spray of salt water.


The calling of his name snapped him to attention and he recognized the lovely voice instantly. On the side of the canal was his girl, tied up to the pole with a thick chain. She looked unharmed and Peter was beyond relieved over that.

He called back for her, smiling for a split second when he realized he had found her. "I'm coming!"

Spiderman attached a web to the ceiling of the canal in an attempt to swing around the monster. However, the being was faster and shot a blast of water towards the young hero to stop him from reaching the girl. He was guarding them from getting to her.

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