The Past (Part I)

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Chloe is running around the woods that she didn't see someone and bump into that person. They fell on the ground, Chloe on the top of that person.

"Fuck!" the person wince when her back hit the ground.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see you coming" Chloe apologized standing up and reach out her hand to help the person but the person did not see it, her eyes still closed and moving side to side, she still in pain.

"You should watch where you go" she snap. "My back is fucking hurts" she winced once again.

"I'm sorry, I really didn't see you" Chloe tried to help her to get up, she hold her arms but the person swatted it away.

"Don't touch me!"

Chloe backed away, she sits next the person she bumped into and wait for the person to get up and apologies properly. It took couple minutes before the person sit up.

"Man, that's really hurts" the person caresses her lower back, eyes still closed.

"You ok now?" Chloe asked, she's sitting next to the person, facing her.

"Jesus! You scared me" the person startle and clench her chest. She's ready to fight the person made her fall on the ground and get hurt. But soon as her stormy blue eyes saw a pair of bright blue eyes, her anger fades away and feel her pain less. She was mesmerized. She has beautiful eyes, nose, lips and red hair.

"Again, I'm really really sorry" Chloe smiled shyly.

The person clear her throat before she speaks. "Uhm, well next time just be more careful"

"I promise" Chloe beams. "I'm Chloe" she reach out her hand for her to shake.

"Beca" she accept Chloe's hand. 'They're soft' Beca thought.

"I'm really sorry again" she retract her hand.

"Uhm, that's fine but my back will be sore, thanks to you" she caresses her back again looking away from Chloe.

"I can give you a back rub" she stand up and sits behind Beca.

"No, I'm f-" before Beca can finish her sentence, she felt two hands massaging her back. "Mmm...that feels good"

"Glad be of service"

"Yeah you should, you're the one who made me feel this" she's enjoying the back rub she receiving.

"Again, I'm sorry" 

"I want a full back massage" she demand.

Chloe chuckles. "No problem, I can give you that"

"Then, apology accepted" she smirks.

"You're unbelievable" Chloe laughed.

"What, you bumped into me to cause this pain and I need cure and you offered but of course I need to demand because of that" she moan. "And you are really good with this"

"Thanks, I guess" she chuckles. "If you want a full back rub, you need to lay flat on your stomach and we need a better place, not on the ground in the woods"

"You are right" Beca holds Chloe's wrists to stop her movements and turn around to face her. "But I'm just kidding about the back rub. Why are you running in this woods by the way, are you like being chased or chasing someone?"

"No, I'm just running around" Chloe shrugged. "What about you, what are you doing here?"

"Collecting some twigs for bonfire" she points some twigs on the ground that fall from her grasps when Chloe bumped into her, Chloe follows where she points at.

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