The Feelings

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Chloe wake up first but didn't bother to move, she don't want to wake up the sleeping brunette and she wanted to stay longer, cuddling with the woman she waited for a long time that she love, and hoping the brunette still have feelings for her.

"Since when you're up?" Beca asked, after few minutes, that make Chloe startle a bit. Beca arms around her, become a bit tight. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you"

"It's ok" she look up Beca, her eyes still closed. "I thought you were sleeping and didn't expect you to speak"

"I was, but your hand keeps on rubbing my back gently"

"Oh, I'm sorry" She got lost on her thought and didn't know her hand is rubbing Beca's back. Chloe stopped her hand movement and trying to pull away from the brunette but Beca didn't let her.

"Stay" Chloe rest her head on Beca's chest. "It's ok, no need to be sorry, but please stay for a bit more" Beca said, eyes still close.

Chloe didn't say another words, she just move closer to the brunette, if that's even more possible. She don't mind laying as long as she's with Beca. She feels Beca's breathing got slow and even, indicating she is sleeping again.

After few minutes, a voice calling from outside the tent.


Chloe recognized the voice. It's been a while since she heard that voice.


Beca arms around me become tighter, she's starting to wake up.

"Beca, I think someone is looking for you" Chloe said looking up her.

"Don't let me get in there and drag you out" the person from the outside threatens.

Beca cover Chloe's ears. "Get away, Posen! I'm not under your troops anymore!"

'Posen?' Chloe thought. 'How does Aubrey meet Beca and they are in the same troops? Why I didn't know this?'

"Get up, Mitchell! This is your last warning" Aubrey braked.

"Geez!" Beca groan and lay on her back. Chloe did the same. "Just give us a minute"

"Us? You're not alone in there. Like, really, in the middle of the woods?"

"We didn't do anything you dirty mind and could you shut up for a minute and just wait for me to come out!"

They didn't not hear anything from Aubrey. Beca push herself up to sits. She look at Chloe who's in deep thoughts, still laying, probably didn't hear what Aubrey said.

"Are you alright?" Beca asked, Chloe snap out from her thoughts.

"Uh, yeah. I just remember some stuff" she gave Beca small smile.

"If you say so" Beca still not convince. "I'm sorry about the yelling, not good to start the morning but we better get out before she get us, rather dragged me out"

Chloe just nods, they make their self presentable in the small time they have before getting out the tent. Beca came out first and she user Chloe to come out, offering her hand to help her.

Once they are out, they were greet with Aubrey and another tall woman with long brown hair.

Aubrey eyes landed on Chloe when she got out from the tent, she is standing one step behind Beca. Chloe crossed her arms on her chest and glared Aubrey, who's trying to not get affected by her.

"I didn't know you have company" Beca mused directing to Aubrey.

Aubrey look at the tall brunette, standing few steps away from her. "I just saw her walking to here and I gave her a ride since we are going to the same direction. Hope you don't mind me riding your bike" Aubrey points to where Beca's motorbike parked. "You're dad lend it to me, instead of walking"

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