The Reunion

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"I knew I will find you here" Stacie approach.

"Hey, Stace" Stacie sits next to her, she rest her head on Stacie's shoulder. "What are doing here?"

"Your mom is looking for you"

"Can we stay for few minutes?"

"Sure" they just sit there in silence before Stacie speaks.

"Why you keep coming back to this lake, Chloe?"

"The air is fresh and the sound of the tree leaves make when the wind breeze is so relaxing" she sighed in contentment.

"It's that only the reason?" She felt Chloe nods. "This is nothing about a certain brunette?"

"Uhm, no" she hesitated.

"Come on Chlo, I know you for a long tine now and I know what happen here 20 years ago" she said sweetly.

Chloe sits properly and look at Stacie. "Fine. It's true that I come here because it's really relaxing and yes because of her too" she blushed when she admits that Stacie's right.

"Chloe, it's been two decades. I don't think  she'll come back" she said in sympathy.

"I know it's been a long time but part of me believes she'll be back" her eyes is start to get in tears.

Stacie hugs her. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. It's's been a long time now, Chlo. Don't you think it's time to get over her?"

"I've been trying, Stace, I'm trying but I could not forget her" Chloe is now crying.

"Just let it out. Everything will be fine" Stacie soothes.

Chloe cries on Stacie's shoulder for few minutes and Stacie soothes her.

"Are you feeling better?" Stacie asked when Chloe pull away from her.

"Yeah, I just misses her so bad" she sniff and wiped her tears.

"I may not really know what you feel but I understand" they remain quiet for a moment. "I think we should go home before your mom sends everyone to search for her one and only daughter. It's now dark" Chloe just nods and they head home.

Chloe always go and sits near the lake in the middle of the woods, waiting and hoping for someone to come back, never missed a day for two decades. But today she missed two days because her mom set her up to go with her out of the country and she hates her mom because of that. She thinks that Beca will come either of that day and didn't see her there then left. As soon as she come home, she went straight into to the woods.

To her surprise, there was a tent set up, a bonfire with hanging casserole on top of the fire. A brunette woman, looks like in her late 20's or early 30's.

Chloe heart beat raced, thinking this could be the woman she's been waiting for a long time. She's carefully walking to the person, making sure she will not notice her. She moved from one tree to another until the last tree near to the woman. She peeks behind the tree, but the said woman is nowhere to be seen.

She felt someone grabbed her arms and locked it behind her back and she felt something sharp on her throat.

"Who are you and why are you spying on me?" the said woman from earlier asked. Chloe recognized the voice. 'It's her but need to see her face'. "I'm asking you" the woman tighten her grips on her arms.

"I'm not spying on you. I'm just ordinary citizen"

"I heard that before. Again who are you and why are you spying on me"

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