The Past (Part II)

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Two days later, Chloe kept her promise. She came, past noon but they already packed and ready to go which disappoint her. She thought she can still hung out with Beca for few more hours. Nonetheless she saw Beca before she left.

Emily is the first one to see her. "Beca, you have a visitor" she yelled.

Beca hopped off the truck of her dad, her face light up, smiles when she Chloe.

"Hello Chloe!" John and Cath greets. They didn't say more since Beca already in front of Chloe, but Chloe greets them.

"Hey" Beca greets with a smile.

"Hi" she tuck her hair behind her ear. "I can see that you guys packed" she point out.

"Yeah" she turn around to look at their things. "As soon as dad folded the tent, we're leaving" she turn back her attention to Chloe.

"I see" she nods looking down.

"Our cabin is not far from here. Do you think you can come with us and spend the day there. We will just drive you back home. This time we will do it"

"Thanks" she look at Beca, hands in her jeans pocket. "But I don't think that will be possible. I'm actually grounded, I just sneak off. I can't go away that far"

"Oh, sorry. I know you'll say it is not my fault but I've been part of it. Sorry"

"Don't worry. I getting used to it now. This is not the first time I got grounded" she shrugged.

"Do you think I can come to your house, you know to hung out?"

"I don't think so. Mom is really not friendly person and if you'll come with me she will ask how did you know our house and so on..she will caught me sneaking"

"You're right" Beca sighed. She's think other way to spend more time with the redhead same goes with Chloe. They remain silent, thinking.

"Beca, we have to go" John called out.

Beca look up to see Chloe's eyes, Chloe looking into her. Eyes pleading for them to stay. They start to tear up when their time is ticking, in just less than minute Beca will leave.

"I really like to know you more, be friends" Beca finally break the silence.

"Me too, Beca. Me too. But how?"

"We'll figure it out" Beca said with hopeful smile.

Chloe hug her tight, she feels Becs hugged her back. She nuzzle her head on Beca's crook of her neck.

"We'll figure this out and get through this" Beca assured.

"I will miss you" Chloe whisper.

"I will miss you too, Chlo"

"I hate to ruin your moment" John said standing behind Beca, he's being serious this time. He knows her daughter like Chloe a lot even they just met for few hours and this hard for both of them. "But we have to go, buddy"

"Give us a minute more dad" Beca plead without looking at her dad and hugging Chloe even tighter.

"Ok, bud. We will wait for you in the truck"

They remain like that more than a minute before they pull away. No tears been shed but they have teary eyes.

John honks to remind Beca they need to go. Beca look back giving him a gesture to wait.

"How long you'll be grounded?" Beca asked.

"Whole summer"


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