The Past (Part III)

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Couple weeks later, things are really great after what happened, they enjoy and cherish every the moment they have and can get together. Sometimes Chloe will stay in the cabin with Beca. Chloe was able to be reunited with the Mitchell family one weekend. They visit Beca to check her and they stay there for the weekend. Their feelings for each other is getting strong and things are really smooth.

Today, they have decided to stay at the lake. They are laying on the ground, facing each other. Chloe's hands tucked underneath her head. Beca's right arm underneath her head and the other is on Chloe's waist. It is less than two weeks before the school year starts and neither of the two want to talk about it but they have to.

"I'm really gonna miss you" Beca whisper while tucking some hair of Chloe behind her ears.

"I'm gonna miss you too, Becs" Chloe scoot closer and they cuddle. Chloe rest her head on Beca's chest.

"Are you still not gonna tell me where you live or what school you will attend or give your phone number?"

Chloe sit up and Beca did the same. Beca pull Chloe to sit between her legs, Beca facing her right side. Chloe's legs are over Beca's left thighs.

"I don't know, Becs" she said quietly without looking at her.

"I know, I told you that I will wait for you to tell me but" she wait for Chloe to look at her before she continue. "I'll be leaving in couple of days and I want to continue this what we have"

Chloe just looking at her. Beca know that she's thinking wether to tell her or not everything and this time, she will not stop her to decide but will encourage her to tell her everything.

Without warning, Beca hold Chloe's nape, using her right hand and pull her to her and capture her lips by her lips, her left hand is on Chloe's waist.

Chloe gaps on the sudden movement, after a moment, she kiss Beca back, closing her eyes, loving their lips moving in sync with pure love and so passionate for the first time.

Even though they made it official, they still take things slow specially Beca who's still wondering who or what the real Chloe is. They do like what couples do but didn't have a proper kiss like this, and Chloe understand that.

They pull away, leaning on their forehead, when oxygen is already needed.

"I know it's just two months when we first met" Beca said, still on the same position, eyes are closed. "I know, I still don't know the real you, but" she pull away and look at Chloe's eyes. "I know what I want and the feelings I have for you" she kiss Chloe again, slowly but end it quickly. She look at her in the eyes. "I love you and I can see my future with you"

Chloe still in daze on the kiss and the feeling she feels at the moment is so surreal. Hearing Beca's confession, makes her up high, however she still don't know if she will tell Beca everything. She's afraid that Beca will run away if she knows who she really is.

"Chloe, I love you" Beca repeats when Chloe did not response and just looking at her.

"I-I" Chloe want to say it back but she need to tell her first the truth. "I don't think you will still love me and see the future with me if I will tell you who really am I"

"Maybe at first I will not but I know by the end of the day, I still love you" Beca smile sweetly and kiss her on the lips again, but this time, Chloe did not kiss her back.

"Chloe?" Beca staring to get worry, Chloe looking down.

"I-" she sigh and kiss Beca like it will be the last time. She pull away from the breath taking kiss, cupping Beca's cheeks looking into her eyes. "Just promise me that you will not tell this to anyone. As in anyone, even with John, Cath and Emily"

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