The Confession

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As soon as Chloe arrived to their house she went straight to her mom's office.

"Mom!" she call out while barging in to the office, Stacie just quietly following behind.

Mrs Beale stopped what she's saying and turn her head to her daughter, raising her eyebrow, sitting on her office chair.

"Oh, the 'best friend' is here" you can hear the sarcasm on Chloe's words. Stacie just huffed crossing her arms, she's standing behind Chloe, who's sitting across to Aubrey, crossing her arms, they are in front of her mom office table.

"What's going on?" Mrs Beale asked with a frown.

"You know, I've been waiting and looking for her for the past decades" Chloe ignore her mom. "The last time we saw each other is not yet ten years" she really mad at Aubrey. "Why didn't you tell me" she said quietly.

"Talk" Stacie demand, looking at Aubrey.

"Okay ladies, I know what's happening now" her mom interfere, nodding her head. "Don't be mad at her" she place her hand on her daughter's shoulder.

Chloe look at her mom "You know about this?!"

Mrs Beale retract her hand, raising them in defense. "I do, I didn't tell you. It's not that you can easily run into her"

"At least I know where she is and probably make a way to, run into her" she quote her mom words, rolling her eyes.

"That's the reason why I didn't tell you" her mom said in calming voice. "She got deployed on different countries, fought some war" she look her daughter in the eyes "I asked Aubrey to not tell you, even she begged me to, saying it's a way for you to talk to her again and eventually forgive her, same goes with you" she look up to Stacie "But, I didn't let her"

"I found Beca, just two years after the incident" Aubrey informed. "I told to your mom right away but, your mom didn't let me" she said looking at Chloe, who remain quite, absorbing the information.

Chloe look back to her mom, eyes are starting to cry. "Why? Why mom?"

"If Beca was not in the army, I'll tell you as soon as Aubrey told me. I know what you can do, bug. You can go to her whatever it takes and I can't risk my daughter to be away from me, running to a war to see her love of her life"

"But, I'll be careful"

"I know you will but I don't wanna lose you" she reach for her daughter's hand. "And that is also the reason why I sent Aubrey, for her to make sure, the love of my daughter's life is safe and alive"

"With all due your respect" Stacie interfere looking in to Mrs Beale "Can I just say something?" Mrs Beale nod, Stacie look at Aubrey "I know you choose the, most powerful side" she quote the words Aubrey used to her before "But if you are trying to make it up to us, specially Chloe, why didn't you tell it to us when you were here, to be exact nine years ago?"

Aubrey scoffed "As if you let me" she look up to Stacie "I tried remember, but you were ignoring me, even Chloe. I also tried to say it through a letter but Flo told me you guys won't accept my letter and asked her to burn it. So I give up. You guys never see me the same before after the incident" she look at Mrs Beale "I'm not saying I made a mistake at all following you, but I regret it"

"I understand, Aubrey. I really do. I regret my actions as well before but we can't change what already happen, but we can change what it's going to happen in the future. We've talked about this"

"I'm sorry, Mrs Beale"

"No, I'm sorry. You lost your friends because of me" Aubrey just smile

Chloe, Stacie and Aubrey grew up together. Aubrey is like a butler for the Beale family. Stacie is daughter of one of Chloe's parents partners. They were friends and very close to each other, specially Stacie and Aubrey and Chloe to Stacie but after what happen twenty years ago, their friendship fall apart. Chloe and Stacie act like they don't know Aubrey.

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