Chapter 1: Pride

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(Y/n POV)

'...You'll do great..'

Rereading the letter over and over again, I clutch the crumpled piece of paper close to my chest and embrace it. Letting out a sigh, I place the letter back onto my desk and trace my index finger over the last few words.

'To my precious Tsukishima (Y/n)'

"I'll do you proud. I promise you that." I mutter to myself.

Running my hand through my (H/c) hair and fixing my clothes, I head off towards the first step of my dream. This is what I have been working so hard for.

"U.A Entrance exams! I will definitely pass it!" I say as I slip my shoes on and psych myself up for this grand exam. Looking into the mirror before I leave, I look at my flower earring and smile, reminding myself why I worked so hard up until this exact moment.

Running to catch the train, I see a certain angry boy. Sneaking up behind him, I push him lightly attempting to scare him.

"Bakugou!" I smile brightly at the blonde porcupine and chuckle at his angry expression. Though he is extremely angry and moody most of the time, I usually find his attitude mostly amusing rather than annoying.

"(Y/n)..." He growls at me, clearly irritated by the mere sight of my presence. He huffs and walks into the train ignoring me completely. Though most people might be curious to the familiarity that Bakugou is showing me; I typically insist on everyone using my first name since I am more comfortable with it. Though for Bakugou's case, it was hard trying to convince him to use my first name instead of an insult.

"Hey! It's rude to ignore someone you know," I pout and place my hands on my hips, "lets talk to each other to calm each other down before the exam"

He rolls his eyes at me and groans, "I don't need any comfort especially from you, idiot. Plus I know I am getting in for sure and I'll be on top."

I shrug and smile anyways, "Well you'll have to compete with me for first place!"

At this point Bakugou is completely ignoring me and leaning against the sides of the train. Walking across from where he is, I lean against the other side and look outside at the rapidly passing buildings in silence. I look over occasionally and Bakugou and I make eye contact once. I smile and him and he averts his eyes to look outside the train once more. Moving strands of hair that has fallen onto my face, I close my eyes for some rest and wait for our destination to come.

Opening my eyes once more to the announcement of the station I need to get off at, I notice Bakugou has gone ahead of me. I walk at my own pace and prepare myself internally.

"This is U.A..." I mumble to myself, being amazed despite seeing this area before. I blink a few more times before walking through the gates.

Walking at a general pace, I see a bushy haired green broccoli in complete awe at the sight of U.A. I chuckle as he looks completely starstruck with the place. I place a hand on his shoulder and he jumps.

"Wah! (Y/n)" He trips from the sudden shock and trips. Before his face makes impact with the ground, another girl comes along, touches him and he begins to float.

The girl bashfully smiles at Midoriya and I, "Sorry, I didn't want you to have an accident there. I used my quirk on you"

"Thanks for saving my friend," I scratch the back of my head, "He's a bit of a clutz sometimes."

The brunette girl and happily beams back at me and places her finger tips together, "No worries! It would've been bad luck he fell before the exams. Good luck to the three of us!"

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