Chapter 2: First Day

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(Y/n POV)

It's been one week since the entrance exam and I've been waiting patiently for a letter from U.A. I hear a bicycle pass by, making me rush out of my house. I walk towards the fence of my house towards the mailbox, seeing the postman walk by. I open up the postbox and take the mail out.

I walk back into the house and sit in the living room. My parents, as it is their day off, also join me in trying to see the results. Opening up the letter using a letter opener, I take out the contraption that is inside. It lights up and displays a hologram of All Might.

Smiling and speaking with his loud and strong voice, All Might places his arms onto his hips, "Young Tsukishima (Y/n)!"

He proceeds to explain how the examination works through both villain points and rescue points. I watch intensely, waiting for him to tell me my own results.

"I'm proud to announce your results! Young Tsukishima, you got 39 villain points. Most importantly, saving that other young candidate has given you 50 rescue points! Congratulations; you scored number 1 in the practical exam! You did well!" All Might beams proudly; his voice still resonating in my ears.

The results pop up, my name Tsukishima (Y/n) at the very top of the list in the number one spot. Not below anyone else; just my name at the number one spot. Tears of joy start to form in the corners of my eyes and I grin widely.

Turning to my parents, who also are looking at me with pride, I exclaim, "I did it! Mom! Dad!"

My dad gives me a big hug and my mom joins in from the side, both congratulating me, "I knew you could do it (Y/n)!"

Letting go, my mom looks at me and smiles almost sadly, "Harlon would be so proud of you (Y/n)."

In return, I nod my head and place my arms behind my back while still grinning, "He'd be amazed."


Closing the door of my room, I lean against it and shake with excitement. I jump up and down repeatedly, doing a little dance that my parents would for sure make fun of.

My family lives in a house; they worked hard to get this place. I dance towards the sliding door of my room and open the curtain. Unlocking the door to the ledge, I walk outside and look across from my room to the house next door.

Knowing that he would be there, a boy my age with stylish white hair that has been tinted with pink, blue and green on the ends, stands there looking at me with a smug expression. The sleeves of his shirt rolled up, revealing the many tattoos lining his arms. Leaning across the edge of the ledge, his arms are folded across his chest.

"Looking for me (Y/n)?" His charming voice calls out to me with a silky tone, "I'm guessing from your expression you got into U.A."

I chuckle and approach the edge as well, "Of course I did. What about you Vito?"

Seikatsu Vito; a very talented boy that is my age. He's been my friend for a very long time as we are neighbours. Though we went to different middle schools, we see one another on many occasions.

Running his hand through his hair with his right arm, he tilts his head slightly to the side and smirks, " I decided on Shiketsu High School and got in. The entrance exam was not that difficult."

I roll my arms and stick my tongue out at him. "Don't get cocky. Isn't that high school quite far though? Will you be staying at the dorms there temporarily?"

He nods his head, his light green eyes locking with mine, "I'll be back sometimes for the weekends or holidays. Don't miss me too much~"

I click my tongue, his arrogance being prevalent in him, "Who would miss you?"

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