Chapter 43: Colourful

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(Y/n POV)

My eyes soften up as I feel Vito's thumb rub gently across my jawline, making me lean into his touch just slightly. I see his eyes reflect the same emotion as mine; relief and joy that we get to see one another. He chuckles just slightly as he places his forehead against mine, happily ignoring the rest of my classes embarrassed glances.

"Well judging by your flushed expression, I'm guessing either you're happy to see me, shocked to see me, or very in love with me," He winks at me while playfully smirking, still holding me close to him.

My eye twitches in annoyance and self-consciousness as he shamelessly flirts with me in front of our entire class, along with Aizawa watching on the side.

I then turn around to reintroduce Vito to my classmates once more, attempting to hide my embarrassment and shyness currently, "As you guys may remember, this is Seikatsu Vito. He's my childhood friend who is currently attending Shiketsu High School."

Kirishima then points and comments loudly, while also energetically, "Oh! You're that manly friend of (Y/n)! The guy with the tattoos and stuff!"

Vito pulls away and winks, yet still holding me close to him with both his arms wrapped loosely around me, "Yeah, that's me. You're Kirishima, aren't you? You're one of the students who went to help (Y/n); I heard from her."

"Yep! We'd do anything for our classmate especially in times of need!" Kirishima pumps his fist forwards then pats on his chest, proudly affirming his decisions that day.

He then pauses and lowers his head just slightly, likely trying to process the next words he wants to say in response. Chuckling gently in a deep tone, Vito's eyes lock with mine then looks up to the rest of our class with a little sparkle in them.

"Thank you..." Vito's face, unlike his usual flirtatious expression, suddenly blooms into a graceful innocent smile with thankfulness written all over as he beams, "Thank you for helping (Y/n). She's really important to me so thank you for coming to her aid. She means the world to me and many."

I stare into his beautiful genuine smile and blush just slightly; also realising that some others around were also flushing due to his charming demeanour. Vito has always been very handsome and charming but when he is genuinely happy, he becomes even more alluring. It's almost as if his presence right now was giving off flowers and light from pure grace.

I push away from him slightly, whispering quietly from embarrassment, "You're embarrassing me..."

"Oh, you are THAT Tsukishima (Y/n)!" The boy named Yoarashi Inasa yells with great enthusiasm as he runs up to us, "I saw you during your Sports Festival! You were amazing! You showed some great U.A enthusiasm! No wonder why Vito talks about you so much!"

Vito then erupts brightly into a red embarrassed expression as Inasa exposes his habits, making him drag Inasa by the collar and into the examination hall while shouting, "Ignore him! He's lying!"

I place the back of my hand onto my forehead from everyone's stares as they question my relationship with the man who has colourful hair and a diverse range of tattoos. Though it was hard to ignore the cold glares directed straight at Vito due to his front-forwardness with flirts directed to me.


After entering into the examination hall and listening to the orientation which informs us that the first test is to make it into the top 100 students, I stick the target pads onto the front of my chest and the other one on my upper thigh.

"Everyone! Let's not get too separated, and move as a group!" I hear Midoriya declare as he likely realises it's best to team up with those you know and trust.

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