Chapter 4: Battle

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(Y/n POV)

Sitting in class the next day we all realise that even though we attend a prestigious high school like U.A, we still have to do many compulsory subjects such as english and math. Though I am proficient in subjects such as math and sciences, I find languages slightly more difficult. However, I decided to work harder in each subject as I am not attending U.A.

The current period presently is English taught by Present Mic, and we are analysing some sentences from an english book. Present Mic, holding up a textbook, reads out the passages one by one. He then pauses and looks around the room, as if searching for someone.

"Hmm... Now who can read the following sentence out?" Present Mic shouts out enthusiastically, noticing that not many students are paying attention, "Everybody, Heads up! Wake up everyone!"

Yaoyorozu raises her hand and Present Mic picks her, "After the darkness, a small weak light emits outwards from the tiny lamp."

"Very good! Now what about the next one?" Present Mic nods happily with the sentence read out, "What about you Tsukishima?"

My head rises higher and I make eye contact with the Pro Hero, shooting up to stand and say, "Though the small fire flickers in intensity, it continues to burn in the night like the passion in my heart."

Present Mic claps happily and spins around while shouting, "Amazing the both of you! Now next..."


With a few morning classes finished, we head off to the Cafeteria for lunch. I decide to join Bakugou, Kirishima and Denki. Sitting together, I get Curry with and Omurice along with some fried chicken on the side.

Kaminari, who is eating a hamburger, says sloppily with food in his mouth, "Hey (Y/n), how come you aren't eating with Midoriya and the others. I thought you were close to them."

I tilt my head slightly, looking over to Midoriya, Iida and Uraraka and smile gently, "Well... I am friends with Midoriya but I want to let him expand his friend group more."

Kirishima grins widely at me, his eyes locking onto mine, "that's so manly of you!"

Looking over at Bakugou, who is sitting right next to me, I lean over to him and touch his shoulder with my own, "Plus I want to make sure Bakugou here doesn't threaten anyone during the break."

"What was that?! I'm really going to kill you soon (Y/n)!" Bakugou slams his cutlery down with his fist and pulls my shirt and brings my face closer to his, growling at me.

Denki and Kirishima laugh, "You two are such good friends."

Bakugou turns his head to look at the two and shouts and them, "We are not!"

Noticing a pair of heterochromatic eyes staring at us, I turn my gaze towards the student known as Todoroki Shoto. I look at his intense gaze at me and smile at him, wondering if he needs something. He notices that I've made eye contact and turns away, leading me to purse my lips in question of his strange attitude.


Heading back into our classrooms for our Hero Basics afternoon classes, I sit down in anticipation for what is to come. I sway back and forth on my chair, my fingers fiddling with one another.

"I am..." A strong voice emanates from the hallway, booming powerfully, "normally entering from a door!"

An almighty aura surrounds the Pro Hero who enters the room; his cape flapping gloriously behind him. Bursting into the room with grace, he marches up to the front of the class wearing his Silver Age costume.

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