Chapter 12: Preparation

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(3rd POV)

As all the students sit down together in the classroom discussing the new popularity that they have gotten, each of them talk about different aspects that have shown up. As Hagakure talks about her lack of presence, Jirou talks about the event being shown on the news.

Sero lays on to his desk and says with an anxiety filled tone, "What would've happened if the teachers didn't come?"

"Stop it, Sero!" Mineta screams out almost in tears from thinking about the attack on U.S.J once more, "thinking about it makes me pee in my pants."

Bakugou yells at the grape pervert, "Shut it, scumbag!"

"But All Might was amazing, " Sato says, thinking back to the day and how All Might sparkled with a Hero aura all over him, "He beat off those strong Villains."

As time continues to progress, Iida marches in shouting that homeroom is about to start, realising that everyone is already sat down and waiting for class to start. Uraraka comforts him as he sulks in his chair.

They then look at the empty chair in the middle of the classroom, wondering if she will show up today.

"I hope (Y/n) is okay..." Yaoyorozu mumbles to herself and everyone nods as well, hoping that their kind hearted but strong classmate is recovering well.

As if on cue, the (h/c) girl steps in with bandages still around her left arm, "Sorry I'm late! Oh, he's not here yet."

(Y/n) nonchalantly strides to her chair as if she didn't almost die just a few days ago. The classroom is filled with silence as they stare at her with awe as she calmly takes out her pencil case and lays it onto the desk; a smile etched on to her beautiful face.

"(Y/n)!" The entire class screams together with a sound of joy, causing the girl to jump in her seat

The whole class rings out in a chorus together, screaming that they missed her and are glad she's okay all in one go. Though, (Y/n) blushes brightly as she did not expect all of them to overreact like this, nevertheless she is glad that they care so much. As they begin to quiet down a bit more, (Y/n) thanks them for their concerns and smiles happily.

She then takes out a bag that she was carrying and flings her right arm into the air, using her quirk to take out the small bags inside of the bigger bag. The students each look at the bag floating on to their desks; a transparent plastic bag filled with a few cookies.

"Thank you all for your kind words and letters; I made these to thank you all and apologise for making you all worry," (Y/n) explains the gifts and places her hands back onto her lap, "my left arm may take a few more days to heal but other than that, everything else is fine."

The class rings out in a loud happy cheer as (Y/n) is completely fine and that they got cookies. They then start to discuss whether Aizawa will be present. The door suddenly slides open, revealing a heavily bandaged Aizawa whose face is not able to be seen.

"Aizawa-sensei, you're back so soon!" The entire class yells out in shock.

Iida shoots his hand up while asking, "Teacher, Are you okay?"

Aizawa mumbles out of the cloth wrapped around him, "My welfare is none of your concern. Though there is one thing I would like to address."

Aizawa moves his head and nose towards (Y/n)'s desk and says calmly, "Thank you. If it wasn't for you, I probably would've gotten more seriously injured or worse."

Bashfully, the girl replies, "It was nothing sensei... I'm just glad you are recovering nicely now."

"Now, more importantly, the battle isn't over," Aizawa voice muffles through his bandaged face, "U.A sports festival is around the corner."

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