Chapter 5

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Hello once again (sorry for the notification) but as a heads up these ( ' ' ) mean thoughts or telepathy  talk but if that's confusing i'll change post publish. And as usual if there are error's or things I could do better just tell me. And I think I should say this.  The Characters belong to be and I don't own Pokemon

Edit: Telepathy is now Italicized ( ex: italicize )

(POV: Ron)

' Am I dead? Is this heaven? I don't know. Every thing feels so soft, like a bed full of  clouds. '

Ron opened his eyes as a harsh bright light entered his eyes forcing Ron to quickly close his eyes from the harsh light. Slowly opening his eyes, Ron could see he was in a hospital room with a window to the side of the room. the sun long gone, replaced by the lights above. Shiro was also in the room but was fast asleep by the foot of the bed, curled up in a ball. The only thing visible of her was the rise and decline of her chest.

Deciding to move out of the bed, Ron began stretching . Only to find his arm in a sling. Looking closer at his injuries, he found multiple cuts and scraps along his arms and legs, a few spots on his fur where ice was only to find it shaved off from his fur, and some bandages over his chest and around his head. Moving his legs felt lead, even moving the covers off was a struggle. This eventually stirred up Shiro and brought Nurse Joy into the room shortly after. When she came in the first thing she saw was a tangled little blue jackal on the bed looking very unamused, with Shiro trying very hard not to laugh. Ron was put back in the bed after being untangled from the covers and Shiro was put to the side while she was laughing on the guest chairs.

" Now don't move so much, your still healing from your injuries. Until your fully healed, you're not to leave this room."

I grunted in response to her orders, looking away from her eyes. As she left Ron glared daggers at the mess that was currently Shiro on the seat, hold her chest from earlier.

" How about you start fighting Sneasels while your limbs feel numb from the cold."

" I'd rather not but it looked so funny watching you get tangled up in the covers like that."

She let a giggle at the end with a huge smile that she tried to cover up unsuccessfully.

Ron looked out the window and sighed, feeling defeated. He couldn't help it but be reminded of them... Along with the returning feeling of obligation and failure. 

' The sooner I get myself away from her, the better ', thought Ron.

As if on cue, a trainer with a Kirlia in her arms appeared.  Except she looked different compared to your average Kirlia that was the lime green like hair, this one had aquamarine instead. Behind the trainer was Geist.

" So this is the Riolu you saved yesterday Geist? " said the shiny Kirlia pointing at Ron.

" Yeah thats him, how are you feeling Ron? "

" I've had worse. "

" Well I heard from Nurse Joy that you shouldn't be moving around for a while, your legs are covered in cuts and bruises. "

" Yeah that's what happens when you fight against a bunch of cheating Sneasels. "

" You shouldn't push yourself, especially now in your current condition. "

Ron rolled his eyes by Geist's obvious comment with no intention of following. Ron then looked back towards the Trainer and the Kirlia, who seemed to at Ron with awe and curiosity. She seemed full of questions.

" And you are? "

" Oh, me? My names Rose. "

Rose offered her hand out. Ron gave her a quizzical look in return before setting his gaze to the unknown trainer.

" So your the one who saved me?  "

Her eyes suddenly widen in surprise as she looked around the room frantically.

' Uh... , over here? '

She whipped her head towards Ron with fear and confusion in her eyes.

' Relax, I'm not going to harm you. Geez. '

She let out a sigh of relief, still looking tense with Geist and Shiro looking confused at the trainer. Rose surprisingly wasn't, already sensing the telepathic communication.

" Ok, ok. I'm not going insane. It's just a imaginary voice in my head. "

' I'm sitting right here you know. '

She looked up and stared at Ron but in a quizzical way.

" Since when do Pokemon have telepathy? "

" Many psychic Pokemon have telepathy, do they not?  "

" I'm pretty sure that's a myth. "

Rose immediately made a pouty  face in response. Unbenouceed to Ron and Karin she was tapping in to there conversation despite her weak powers. No one knew of her telepathic powers... yet.

" Well myth or not, thank you for saving me and I'll be taking my leave now. "

" Come on Shiro. "

" Wait, Ron you should- "

Before Shiro could finish her sentence, Ron jumped off the and walked towards the door. However before he could touch the door nob, he collapsed onto the floor panting hard from over exertion. Immediately, Karin stood up, scooped the tired little blue jackal and set him comfortably on  the bed. Ron couldn't protest that a human was helping him and all he could do was close his eyes as he fell asleep.

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