Chapter 9

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Hello Everyone, it's Howl again how's everyone's December going? I hope your doing fine a swell. Damn, already on the 5th and final Pokemon in this story and then we truly see How there adventure will turn out to be. Plus I'm working on a Christmas special with all the 6 main character's in it plus some future story spoilers in the up coming special, hopefully it will be done before Christmas but we'll see. Enjoy the story now Dear Reader.

 (P.O.V: ??? )

' Where am I? ', wondered the Pokemon that stood where the fossil once was. Steam from the machines restoring process covered the young mon's vision. In the steam  he could make out shapes. Imediately he assumed it was his family. However his eyes were still adjusting to his new condition that his eyes were playing tricks.

" Brother! " Cried the Pokemon as he dashed through the steam and collided with the closest shadow.

" Hey! Watch it! " Shouted a male voice in front of him.

Opening his eyes, he was met with black furred legs in front of him. Looking up he saw a blue and black torso of this unknown stranger, he wore a  green scarf covering his neck while his head had two tear drop like appendages hanging on the sides of this Jackal looking stranger.

" Who are you? " asked the newly revived young mon.

" And where's my Mom and Dad? "

The small jackal seem to hesitate for a moment, unsure of what to say when two humans entered the room. 

" Uncle isn't that a- "

" A shiny Shieldon? Yes, yes it is. "

Unlike like your average, it's head was a cobalt blue rather than the steel grey. The yellow body was a more mustard like yellow compared to it's non shiny variant.

The Shieldon looked up at Karin as she got closer, averting all his attention to this unbeknownst human. She pulled out a small spherical object from her hip and held the red and white ball in front of the shiny mon. With curiosity on the Shieldon's mind he lightly tapped the ball before being engulfed into it. 

It shook once. 

It shook twice. 

It shook for the third and final time before clicking to signal the capture.

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