Chapter 8

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Hello everyone Howl here again with another Chapter. Hope your days gone well because soon I get to the last main character introduced soon in the story, then the ball can get really going! But I'm running out of space to write in my little book so I'm going to get another one soon to continue the story but until then enjoy the story dear reader! (Also any Pokemon sword and shield players around to chat later?)

" So why am I in your bag again? " 

Ron asked telepathically to Karin as she kept walking along.

" We're getting picked up by my Uncle and since your technically a wild Pokemon, I thought just to convince my Uncle you're my supposed Pokemon."

She did have a point. I don't have a Pokeball of my own, and if I wanted to keep an eye her and Shiro then this was a start. 

Looking outside of the bag head out, there were many people. Some with family, others with friends, some looking in a hurry, others taking there time. There were also many Pokemon  on the harbor too. Wild Starly's flying by in flocks, Machoke's and Machamp's helping the sailors loading and unloading the ship, as well as all sorts of Pokemon with there trainers. One such trainer was a man looking in his mid 40's with a Kabuto. Karin then started approaching the man for a hug.

" Hey Uncle Sam. "

" Woah, slow down there Karin. You know I'm not as strong as I used to be. My you've grown up quite a bit, and you have that same beautiful look like your mother. "

He said in a way that sounded wise but in a reminiscing way.

" Also what's that on your shirt? " 

" Hm? "

As soon as she look down her Uncle flicked his finger up to her nose.

" Hey! " Karin held her hurt nose as she said so.

" That was a dirty trick! "

" Haha! I'm sorry, but it's been so long since I last saw you, and who's that in your bag? "

Pointing at the bored looking Riolu who was unamused by the entire act.

" Oh, Ron? I recently, uh adopted him and took him along to Alola with Rose and Geist, I Also got a new Pokemon as well. "

Clipping the Pokeball off from her hip, she released Shiro who appeared before the group from the light.

" An Alolan Vulpix, now that's a rare find. " 

Not long after, she released Geist and Rose from there Pokeballs giving them a chance to stretch there legs. Taking a closer look at both of them you could tell immediately what was different. Geist's eyes unlike a normal Absol's were blue instead of red. Rose was obviously different as she was a shiny in stead of straight strands of aquamarine hair, they were braided form smaller segments of her hair. while it wasn't unheard of that Pokemon sometimes were stylized just like their trainers, it was even rarer to find genetic mutations such as Geist. Which was left unnoticed by Ron.

" My, Geist has grown quite has grown quite a bit and Rose evolved too. Wow, you guys grow up so fast. "

" Yeah, but Uncle why are you picking me up instead of Mom and Dad? "

" Because I wanted to give you your Birthday gift in person. "

" Oh! You remembered! I know you love your fossils and all but you keep getting all caught up in your work. "

" Yeah... At least I have Kabuto here to remind me I have other things to do. " 

The Pokemon gave a happy cry in response to it's praise. The group then started heading towards the building that was the Fossil Exploration and Research Corp. or the F.E.R. Corp. Originally from Kanto, they are the leading group  in fossil exploration ans excavation in the world. Sam normally went freelance but was currently was stationed here in Canalave. 

" Wow, this place is amazing! It's so huge! " Said Rose.

" Who are those people running around? "

" There scientists who work here, researching fossils and Pokemon here. "

" I bet most of the stuff here is cruel to Pokemon. " Replied Ron who slipped out of the bag a while back unseen.

Rose gave in return a angry glare, Shiro had a hurt expression and Geist gave a quizzical look back.

" What makes you say that? " Geist responded back with more curiosity than aggression in his voice, knowing there's more than a smart wild mon that Ron was letting on. 

" Personal experience... " said Ron in almost a whisper facing away from the group. He shuddered remembering that horrid place and insignia. In grained forever in the young Riolu's mind. Rose and Shiro didn't hear Ron's but it was enough for Geist to drop the topic.

" Anyway it looks like there about to reveal gift so why don't we see what's going on there? "

The group headed off to find Karin and her Uncle who was presenting Karin with a fossil which appeared like a large which could double as a shield. The group found them about to restore the fossil.

" There you are. Where'd you guys go? "

Geist pointed near the entrance while Rose replied verbally despite the language barrier or lack of any telepathic ability.

As everyone settled in the room Uncle Sam set the fossil in place. The machine started to come to life as it prepared to restore life back into the prehistoric rock.

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