Chapter 13

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Hello everyone how are you all doing? Due to what is going on in the world, my flow has been in a weird limbo. Anyway this isn't meant for me to complain and i'm sorry that I haven't been active but regardless I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Starting point Shiro:

" Whew, I'm stuff. "

Karin replied as she flopped down in her bed with fatigue and a full belly. Joining her in her bedroom were Geist, Rose, as well as Max and Shiro who were both trying to settle down in this unfamiliar room. 

( So... what is this room called? )" 

Asked Shiro who finally had the courage to speak, who still was taking in everything to her new way of life.  including learning all the new faces from the house.

"( This room is Karin's bedroom or the she goes to sleep in. )" 

Said Rose with no sign of exhaustion hinted on her face. Geist on the other hand was yawning but trying his best to not nod off. Max was still up but mumbling something about food  and how hungry he was, however there was someone missing from the room.

" Hm? Has anyone seen Ron? " 

Asked Karin as she looked as everyone present in the room. No one responded.

" Where did that little blue dog go? " 

she muttered as she stood up and walked passed everyone and left the room.

" ( So when was the last time anyone saw Ron? ) "

Asked Geist who was starting to look tired.

" ( No. )"

" ( Nope.)"

" ( What are we talking about again?) "

Everyone looked at Max who was too busy thinking with his stomach and ignoring the entire conversation.

" ( Max have you seen Ron at all? )"

" ( Uhhh.. It was was before we ate, when everyone was served food. He said I could take his portion.) " 

" ( Why?) "

"( He said he didn't want it and left. )"

" ( Then where is he Max?) "

At this point Shiro was starting to sound worried 

" ( To the forest? I don't know he said he'd be back. )"

" ( So where is he now?) "

" ( Right behind you.) "

Said a voice behind her. Shiro startled by Ron's sudden appearance jumped about eye level of Geist before turning towards Ron with an angry face.

" (Why do you like to startle me like that!?)"

" ( Why are you easy to startle in the first place?) "

" ( I don't know, and what are you doing on the window!? In fact, fact how did you get up there in the first place!? ")

" ( Climbed up the tree nearby then hopped onto the window sill. Easy. ) "

" ( Not if you have four legs.) "  

" What's going on up there you guy's? "

Said a muffled voice of Karin as her steps were growing louder every step until she opened the door revealing an annoyed but reassured face looking at Ron.

" There you are. Where have you been? "

" I didn't want to eat your dried up pellet's so I went into the forest and got some berries. "

" And you didn't tell anyone? "

" Well... I told Max didn't I? "

Adding a casual shrug at the end.

" And not a trusted adult? "

" Nope. Cause I don't really trust you or any other human for that matter. "

This really hurt Karin. She grew up with Pokemon trusting her which pained and confused her when she saw Ron's distrust in her when she picked up Shiro. Sure she knew the world can be an unforgiving place and that people do unspeakable things to others and Pokemon alike. Which is why some are hostile or distrusting of humans. Feeling it first hand however was a lot more shocking than she thought. Especially coming from someone who talked with fangs literally and figuratively.

All she could muster was a defeated sigh

 " Well I don't have time to deal with you right now. I have to prepare for a big day tomorrow. "

With that Karin left the room once more mumbling about labs and a town name.

" ( Wait... What did I miss when Shiro knocked me out? Or was it when I was chasing Max? ) "

Said Ron remembering the events prior to coming to the house.

" ( Speaking of which did you apologize to Max yet? )" 

Said Geist through tired eyes, trying to stay awake.

" ( Actually I- )"

" ( What fight are we talking about? )"

Ejected Max who cut him off mid sentence who in return gave a surprised  look, a gaped mouth included.

" ( Okay then... Thank you for forgiving me? Any way back to the topic at hand. What did I miss?)"

The Shieldon gave a confused look before returning into the world in his head.

" ( You'll find out tomorrow. ) "

" ( Awww come on! Why are you leaving me in the dark? )"

"( Cause it can wait till tomorrow. )"

Mumbled Geist before falling asleep.

" ( Rrr... Fine. Rose? Shiro? You guys sti- Oh for Arceus sake. )"

Unfortunately they were both asleep with Rose on the bed and Shiro on a bean bag chair all to herself. Max was sleeping near by on the rug floor with a pool of drool slowly forming on the ground.

A sigh of defeat was all Ron could muster before heading back towards the window. Ron looked back into the room seeing everyone sleeping peacefully. It made him feel this fuzzy warm feeling, but he couldn't describe it. It wasn't happy, nor sad. It was a familiar feeling but he couldn't remember as if it were long forgotten.

( No. )

Thought Ron.

( I must be tired. I 'll feel better in the morning. )

And then he took of into the night.

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