Chapter 18

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Thea's POV

When the movie finished and the credits were rolling I watched as all the other people walked out. There were a bunch of little end scenes that we watched and laughed at. The other people had already left so we were the only ones in there. When the last scene ended I looked at Eli and started to say,

"Do you think there's one..." Before I could finish my sentence, Eli's lips were on mine. I felt her hand slide up my thigh and I just sunk into her. I pulled back quickly when I heard a trash can being rolled into the theater. I stood up superfast and Eli just laughed. My ears were burning as if the employee had seen us even though I knew they hadn't. When we got closer to the employee I realized it was Joseph again. I rolled my eyes but I don't think he noticed.

"Last ones here. Were you guys making out?" he joked.

"Wouldn't you like to know." Eli said as we walked out.

"That guys dumb." I said when we walked into the lobby.

"He's just a guy." She said smirking at me. I rolled my eyes again. As soon as we walked out of the theater I wanted to run back in and hide in the bathroom or something. I saw Lila eye me as she got out of her car with some guy I didn't know. She walked up to me and Eli and I knew this was going to be trouble.

"Hi Lila." Eli said smartly to her as they walked towards us.

"What you two done making out already?" she said as the guy just stood there awkwardly. Eli totally ignored her comment and said

"This the new guy of the week? What happened to Ryan?" At this the guy gave Lila a weird look. Lila just grabbed his hand and stormed off. I looked at Eli and smiled while I silently worried Lila would tell someone something. We walked back to the jeep and got in.

"I cannot believe you told her that. And in front of that guy." I said laughing my ass off.

"What she was being a bitch. I thought you were just messing with me when you said she was a bitch." Eli said laughing.

"Ahaha no I didn't lie sadly."

"So, what do you want to do now?" it was only 8:10.

"I have an idea." I smirked.

Eli turned the radio up as we drove to the high school. Eli didn't understand what we were doing but I had an idea. As soon as we put the car in park Eli looked at me with a really confused look. I just smiled

"Come on." I said smirking. I got off the car and waited for Eli. I extended my hand and she took it. I led her around the fence to the side entrance of the field. The side entrance had a little shack where they sold tickets and right behind that were the bathrooms. I let go of Elis hand, climbed the fence, jumped on top of the ticket booth, over the fence and onto the bathrooms roof then jumped down to the ground. I turned around and looked through the fence to see an astonished Eli behind me.

"You coming or not?" I smiled. I watched as Eli climbed up and did the exact same thing I did. When she was coming down from the roof though she looked at me smiled and then did a back flip off of the roof. I just looked at her and said

"Show off." Her response was just to laugh and start walking off.

"So, what're we doing here?" Eli asked me as we walked past the empty bleachers to the field.

"You'll see." I said as I extended my hand towards her again. I loved holding her hand, it made me feel like we were really together. Like she was mine, even though I knew it was impossible. Just for a second I felt like it could be real.

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