Chapter 33

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About an hour and a half later Eli her mom and her dad and I were in the emergency room. We were in a small room where the doctor was putting a black cast on Eli's hand that went a little lower than her wrist. When Eli's parents stepped out of the room to talk with the doctor I just smirked at Eli.

"Shut up." she said as she waved the cast around. She was sitting on those weird examining chair things that has the paper on it. Her legs were hanging off the bed so I walked over to her and stood right in between her legs. I tucked a piece of hair behind her ears and kissed her. I could feel her wrap her arms around me, but when I felt the cast touch my back I burst out laughing. Eli just laid back on the bed and blew out an annoyed sigh.

"I'm sorry this happened." I said

"Don't be. You didn't punch me, and you didn't make me punch my door."

"But I'm the one who punched Lila who punched you."

"Why did you punch her?" she asked the ceiling.

"I got angry. Mostly with myself but when we were leaving I just sort of lost it I guess."

"Why were you mad at yourself?" She was sitting up looking at me now.

"Because I think Lila knows about us. But even if she doesn't she keeps making jokes. I wanted to tell her that she was right and that you are mine and that she could fuck off but I didn't. I couldn't. Because if I told her she would tell everyone and then my parents would find out and..." At this Eli cut me off and kissed me again. She rested her forehead against mine and we just stayed like that.

"It's okay." She whispered

"No. Its not. I don't want to keep hiding this. I want everyone to know."

"Thea you are my girlfriend. You are mine. It sucks that we can't be open about it, but I am not going to push you to say anything to anyone. We can keep it a secret if you want. For however long you want."

"So, I'm your girlfriend huh?"

"Well you are in love with me." She smiled.

"Yeah, I guess I am." Eli leaned in again and kissed me. I felt her left hand grip my ass and I smiled. As she pulled me a little closer I heard the door behind us start to open. I jumped back and stood next to Eli with my ears super red.

"Alright Ms. Hale we will see you back in a couple weeks. Your parents are outside filling out some paper work, but you are good to go." Eli jumped off the table and we walked to the front of the emergency room where her parents were. The car ride back to Eli's was awkward and quiet. We were about 10 minutes from Eli's house when her dad said

"So, what really happened to your hand?" Eli's dad asked out of nowhere. I looked at Eli and she just sort of gave me a look.

"Soooo I may or may not had punched the door." At this point her dad and mom started laughing so hard.

"Why would you do that?"

"Because a girl punched me and instead of kicking the crap out of her I decided to walk away." Eli said trying to act all noble.

"Do we need to call the school?" her mom asked

"No, she learned her lesson." As Eli said this she grabbed my hand and smiled at me.


"Damn Hale what the hell happened to you?" Clark asked as Eli and I walked up to the track.

"I fell." Eli smirked.

"Yeah and I believe you." Right as Clark said that Lila walked up with a cut on her nose and a little bit of bruising around her eyes. At this Eli started cracking up.

"Dammit." Clark said under her breath.

"Alright ladies all of you start running a mile. If it's not under 8 minutes you're doing sprints after. No go. Grant, Hale and Evans get your asses over here right now." Eli rolled her eyes and we walked over to Clark while Lila followed us.

"Someone start talking right now." Clark said. She wasn't really mad but she wasn't going to let it slide.

"Thea hit me first." Lila said really quick. Clark rolled her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Thea why did you hit her?"

"Because I finally got tired of her always making jokes and saying shit about me and talking behind my back." She rolled her eyes again.

"Eli what the hell happened to you?"

"Lila punched me. That's why I have a black eye. I was collateral damage."

"And your hand?" Clark asked

"I wish I could say I broke it on Lila's face but I didn't. I fell." Eli kind of chuckled at the end. Clark was not laughing though.

"Shut up Eli." Lila said.

"That's enough from you three." Clark said.

"Go run your mile. I want it in under 7 minutes. When you're done come back to me and we're going to have a little chat."

Eli and I finished our miles in 7.03. Clark was not happy about that, but Lila finished it in 7.54. As soon as everyone else had finished their miles Clark said they could go home or to their field events. Everyone was really confused as to why we only ran one mile. When we walked up to Clark she told Eli to sit on the field and wait for Lila to finish her mile. Clark pulled me aside and talked to me privately.

"Thea what has been going on with you?"

"A lot." I couldn't lie to Clark. She wasn't just my coach, she was my friend.

"I'm going to ask again and this time I want a straight answer. What is going on with you?" Before I could think about it I heard myself say

"I'm gay." Clark just looked at me for a second and said

"And how did that lead up to a fight?"

"Lila's always been a bitch to me."

"Language." Clark interrupted.

"I've just been trying to figure everything out with me and Eli and then all the drama with Will and everything else and it's all just been getting so much more complicated and usually I can deal with Lila and her stupid remarks but I'd just had a really crappy week and then Lila was just making it so much worse and I just lost it so I hit her. Then Eli got in between us and Lila accidentally hit her and then Eli ended it and we left. Eli didn't want to actually start a fight with Lila but she was pissed so she ended up hitting the car door and that's how she broke her hand." By the end of my little rant I was out of breath. Clark on the other hand just crossed her arms and sighed.

"Thea, I don't know all the specifics of what you've been going through but I know you are a good kid, and I know you don't act out like this. So don't let this happen again. Do you understand me?'

"Yes coach."

"Now go sit down with Eli while I have a discussion with Lila." I walked over to Eli and sat down.

"What was that about?" Eli asked

"I think I just came out to her." I said staring at my spikes. Eli just moved so that she was in front of me. I told her what had just happened and what I said. When Clark was done with Lila she called me and Eli over to them.

"Since you guys can't seem to get along maybe some bleachers and some sprints will make you guys see eye to eye." She started to walk off but then turned around and said

"Oh, and Eli. Try not to fall." Eli just gave me a knowing look. This was going to be terrible. 

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