~Chapter Two~

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New friends can be found in Strange Places

Caboose's pov

     The not Church tiny person was obviously not my bestfriend. We looked at each other for a bit than he spoke. "I remember you, not everything. but something about you." He turned to me his voice was deeper than Church's, but it made him sound like a monotone robot, and that's not really fun. "How do you remember me tiny person?" I asked him because if he knows me, I might know him, and then we could be friends! He didn't respond for a minute, just flickering in and out of his spot. As I waited for him to respond, I rocked back and forth on my feet to distract me from the boredom of waiting in silence. "I remember you from a long time ago, you tried to protect me from the Meta." Tiny person told me, interesting. Who was the Meta? Meta was someone we fought, that wore white armor. Oh I know! The one British guy that told jokes! No, wait... That's Oklahoma, I think. No wait, I think it was maybe the silent guy? Yeah. the Maine with no mane, him! "So you were one of the tiny people he tried to collect, what happened to the others? I'm sorry, I don't remember." I felt bad I couldn't remember what happened, that's a shame. "We A.I.'s ended up scattering across the galaxy after the Meta died, and Stigma ended up terminated by default, due to him being so ingrained into Agent Maine's nervous system that he was essentially in control of the entire mind and body. Although, I do believe that Theta is within eight hundred kilometers of my position, and he is the closest to me at this time." He spoke in a very prim and proper manor. He seemed fairly intelligent and new what he was doing, unlike Church, but Church was funnier than him.

     "If you want, I can help you look for them?" I asked and stopped rocking my body back and forth. He stopped and looked at me. As if trying to see I was lying, but I do not lie. Kai said if I lied my helmet would turn red, and that's not nice. The tiny person looked at me for a moment before he decided to speak, "I would like that very much, thank you." I smiled bright at the little thank you, I haven't been told thank you since I had seen big sister Kai. I miss her, maybe I could ask Grif if I could call her? That's not important right now though. I sat down on the ground and moved the weird box closer to me. "I never asked but, what is you name? Mine is Private Michael J. Caboose, but you can just call me Caboose." My head gave a tight tilt at the end to show him I was trying to smile at him. He nodded and flickered for a second before speaking. "My name is Delta, I am one of the A.I.'s that was used in the Freelancer Project."

I nodded at his words as he slowly started flickering and disappearing more and more. "Delta?" I asked as he flickered more. He tried to speak but all his words just sounded like gibberish to me. I pick up the wired box and flip it around searching for something that could help him. "Delta it's going to be okay! Hold on buddy!" My words were slightly slurred as I opened a small compartment at the back of the box. A couple of input and export holes were scattered about in the compartment but, a small USB like object was inserted into the box. I turned of the box and Delta was gone. Gently, I pulled out the USB and took a look at it. It was small and was about the width of my pinkie finger. Delta said he was an A.I., so maybe this USB could fit in my A.I. port? I took off one of the metal latches on my shoulder armor and exposed the A.I. port. Once I saw it, I plugged the USB in and closed it back up.

After a couple of minutes, a small chime played and Delta popped up again. "Hello Caboose, sorry about the trouble I caused you, an error accrued in my files and I glitched out." I just shook my head a few times and laughed. "It's not your fault, you probably couldn't have known this would happen. We all make mistakes!" I told him and he nodded in reply. I looked toward the entrance of the cave and remembered something. I needed to wake up my friends! I begin to walk out of the cave, still talking with Delta as he floated next to me on my shoulder. It's nice having a new friend around.

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