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High school is a scary thing. A terrifying slap in the face. When you're in middle school, it's hard to imagine that it could get any worse, but middle school is a piece of cake compared to high school.

Drugs. Addictions are born in the science hall bathrooms. Vaping, weed, cocaine, cigarettes, heroine. Every drug imaginable.

Sex. Hormones are in overdrive. All of the pent up sexual frustration from middle school is released and people go insane.

Alcohol. Get drunk or go home. There's not other option.

Jimin is naturally short, so walking through the hallways is terrifying. He doesn't know where he's going and he can't find his friend.

Jungkook was away for the entire summer visiting friends, so Jimin hasn't seen him for 2 months-

Suddenly, Jimin walks straight into someone. A tall someone. He looks up with wide eyes that grow even wider. "Jungkook, you're a skyscraper."

"And you're still small."

"Your voice is so fucking deep. What happened to you? Oh my god you're full grown. When did this happen?"

"Over the summer."

Jimin checks his watch. "I need to find my classes but I can't see past these people." Jungkook chuckles. "I'll help you. Who's your first period?"

"Mr. Snyder."

Jungkook looks around and grabs a senior alpha's shoulder. "Hey, where's Mr. Snyder?"

The alpha looks down and sees Jimin. He smiles. "I can help you." Jungkook pushes Jimin towards him and walks away with a wave.

Jimin grabs the senior's backpack. "I feel like I'm gonna die in this hallway. I'm gonna die and no one's gonna find my body."

The senior wordlessly walks through the hallways, Jimin hanging onto his backpack strap. They reach Jimin's class in under a minute.

"Thank you-"

The senior walks away. Jimin walks into the classroom and sighs. He knows no-one.


Lunch on the first day is always the worst part. Jimin walks into the cafeteria and scans. No one. Of all periods, why did he have to know no one in LUNCH?!

He spots the senior from earlier and makes eye contact. Nope. Not sitting with him. Jimin turns around and walks back towards the door. He feels a hand grab his arm. "Hey. Where ya goin?"

Jimin turns around. It's the senior. "I was just gonna sit in a bathroom stall for the period instead."

"You can sit with me."

Jimin smiles. "Really? You're okay with a freshman sitting with you?"

"We already have one. Your friend from earlier. Come on. We have an extra seat."

Jimin smiles. "Okay."

They start walking towards the table. "What's your name?"


They chuckle. "Who else would I be asking?"

"I'm Jimin."

"I'm Yoongi."

Jimin looks up to see Jungkook turned around at the table, watching them. It looks like he's frowning. Jimin waves and Jungkook waves back.

Jungkook looks around the table and sees the only open seat is next to Yoongi. He turns to the person next to him and asks them to move, saying 'Jimin would be uncomfortable'. They move.

Jungkook smiles at Jimin and pats the seat next to him. Jimin scurries over and sits down. "I was about to haul ass to the bathroom and stake out there. Thank god you're here."

Jungkook's eyes follow Jimin as he gets himself situated. Jimin looks around the table and tenses up. It's mostly senior and junior alphas. There's one other omega.

Jungkook clears his throat and wraps his arm around Jimin's waist casually. "You grew over the summer too."

Jimin giggles. "I did not. I'm still the same height."

"I meant other things."

Jimin frowns but then gasps and hits Jungkook's chest. "Why did you look at my ass?"

"It kinda took up a lot of space. Come on, it's not a secret that you aren't lacking in the thicc department."

"Still..." Jimin blushes and Yoongi chuckles softly from across the table. Jimin looks up and frowns. "What's so funny?"

"I didn't know you two were together." He looks at Jungkook. "Sorry for hitting on your O, man."

Jimin gets extremely flustered and hits Jungkook's arm away. "I- We aren't-"

Jungkook's smirk fades and he looks at Yoongi. "We aren't together. We're just best friends."

Yoongi gives Jungkook a pained look. "Rough. So I can keep flirting with him?"

Jimin is still blubbering but they're ignoring him. Jungkook snarls. "I can't exactly stop you..."

Yoongi chuckles. "I'm just kidding. I'll leave him to you."

Jimin can feel heat spreading throughout his body. His hands are trembling. Jungkook's joke are making him blush really hard because he wishes he was being serious but he knows he isn't.

The other omega stands up and squats down next to Jimin. "You look like Rudolph's nose right now. Try and calm down."

Jimin whispers. "I can't. I'm trying but I just can't. Please help me."

They grab Jimin's hand and pull them up. "Excuse us for a moment."

Jungkook glares at the the other omega's hand and huffs when they walk away. When they're out of earshot, every alpha looks at Jungkook. The tallest one talks first. "When're you gonna confess to him?"

Jungkook chuckles. "I don't think I can. I'm stuck in the best friend zone."

"Try and climb your way out. Change the dynamic slowly and then fucking get him before Yoongi does."

Yoongi gives a thumbs up. "He's right. I definitely am interested in Jimin and if you don't take him, I gladly will."

Jungkook clenches his fist and his teeth. "Back the fuck off of him or I'll rip head off of your cocky senior body with no hesitation."


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