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So... The teacher isn't based off of a real person. :)


Jimin walks in and sits down. Jisoo leans over. "The teacher's kinda cute, not gonna lie." Jimin looks at him and shrugs. "I guess I don't really see it because I'm mated. He's okay."

"I don't think he's mated yet. He's still puffing his chest out and stuff."

"Really? How can you tell?"

"Unmated omega senses, I guess."

The teacher stands up and clears his throat. Jimin notices how he lifts his head slightly and flexes his muscles. Yep. Definitely a single alpha.

"I'm Mr. Smith. I'll be your teacher for the rest of the year. I understand you guys finished all of your units so it's just midterm time, so I'll let you do what you need. You can ask me questions and I'll do my best to answer them. But first, I need to do attendance."

He doesn't look up from the sheet at anyone until he reaches Jimin's name. He glances up to see who responds and gives Jimin a small grin, looking back to the sheet.

Jisoo grabs Jimin's arm with wide eyes and Jimin hits it away, giggling slightly. She laughs back. "Ooo he looked at yoou."

"He probably just recognized my name because people told him how prone I am to being bullied."

"Aww, they're forming a Jimin defense force. How cute."

They both laugh.


At the end of the period, the teacher asks Jimin to stay back. "So you're the one I'm supposed to look out for, huh?"

Jimin nods softly. "You don't really need to look out for me. I've never had a problem with the people in this class."

There's a soft whistle at the door and Jimin looks over his shoulder. Kook is waiting for him. He says bye to the teacher and walks out.

"Is the new teacher nice?"

"He seems like the kind of person who was a player in highschool. He's not even mated yet."

Jungkook presses his tongue against the inside of his cheek. "I bet the omegas in the class were going crazy."

"The unmated ones were. I don't like people who act like they're entitled to whatever they want, and I kind of got that vibe from him."

"I hate people like that."

"He's probably gonna have an affair with a student."

"Who do you think it'll be?"

"There was an omega batting his eyelashes every time he looked around the class and a few girl omegas tried to push up their boobs. I hope I didn't act like that before we got together."

"You weren't a flirty omega. You were and still are a generally shy person."

"Shy? I approach people. What about Hwanwoong and.... And... Damn. I am shy, I guess."

"You're still shy around me sometimes and I've seen you naked on multiple occasions. There's nothing to hide between us anymore." Jimin hits him but grins.

"It amazes me how you manage to connect sex to every conversation we have."

"That connection was obvious and completely relevant." Jimin giggles. "I guess. You win this time."



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