Chapter 10 Apology

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(Kai pov)

Nothing, absolutely nothing on the kid! I've been searching for over five hours now and it's as if he doesn't even exist, no photos of him, no email, no birth certificate, no friends I can contact, no family. It's as if this kid doesn't even exist! I have no idea how this could be! People leave paper trails at the very least carbon footprints of digital existence yet this kid has absolutely NOTHING! This is beyond frustrating seeing as Iv been searching for over five hours for ANY trace of the kid yet zilch! I've given up for the night. Currently running on only three hours of sleep is absolutely not on my agenda. Rubbing my head I decided I needed some food in my system, water and sleep. Preferably not seeing my rejected mate would be good. It's frustrating seeing him. For one he's literally a child to my knowledge, two, I have no desire for a mate nor Ember. Who for record,for myself last I heard wants even less to do with people since his blood bond soul disappeared right after our parents died and is alive. Where Skye and Violet are currently is something neither of us can seem to find and locate. She's been missing for so many years she's alive I've exhausted all my resources to find her however she doesn't want to be found. So it seems everyone is just leaving me and neither I nor Ember want to add to the list of people who leave us. Finally, third reason I was not learning sign language the kid wants to talk he can learn to talk and communicate or else I refuse to learn sign language.

Walking down the stairs and rubbing my head in frustration I came upon River, Ashton, some teen pack members laughing, and Blain watching them in confusion yet nodding and smiling as if he knew what they were saying.

I walked past the scene going towards the fridge seeing a list for Blain. Tempted to remove it, however decided against it and rather just ignored the note pulling out some deer meat from several nights ago. Closing the fridge up in preparation to leave the room with just the meat Blain was suddenly behind me causing me to jump and loose hold on the plate my food was on as it dropped to the floor shattering the plat, a growl from me proceeding to follow after. "Look what you-!" Cut off by a hug from Blain he seeming to try and talk getting out "sssss, ssss,ssss" bout all the brat could get out. A simple glare was shot out at him in anger and frustration. Letting out a deep sigh knowing my eyes were glowing red I pushed Blain off of me away from the broken plate."Leave me alone I don't want anything to do with you." I simply growled out at him, turned around and reached up grabbing a box of cereal as I headed to my room leaving the brat with River who I knew was glaring daggers at me and the whispers of the teens.

Blain was left standing looking down at the floor uncomfortable from what had happened. He had tried to apologize yet was entirely unable to get out words. His apology of sorry for scaring Kai into dropping his meat was only a sss, portion to sorry, in the end he only wanted to get close to Kai even if he was constantly being pushed away. Everything was always drawing him in towards him yet seeing him go for the deer meat caused him panic. Deer were just silent and elegant animals he didn't want him eating such elegant animals. Looking down at the floor crouching he picked up the meat placing it on the counter or rather in the sink then looked at River who was clumsily attempting to sign stupid for Kai. He shook his head no and signed difficult but not stupid which he fixed Rivers hand correcting the sign movement so it was correct at least then went back over to the teens eating his salad in silence while everybody talked around him causing him to feel totally....isolated again. Kai had the same look he had on is face. Alone, isolated, and sad....

(River pov)

I have just about had enough of Kai's attitude he was honestly pissing me off with the way he has been treating Blain. Blain hasn't done a thing to him yet is so insistent upon pushing him and everyone else away. It made no sense whatsoever to me. I lived alone for years, yet I wasn't ever so volatile. Then again, we had different circumstances after all different burdens. It wasn't like he was really alone not truly at least... regardless of that fact he shouldn't be treating Blain as he is.

"Alpha Kai is so scary..."
"Yeah, he's always been that way since I can remember."
"Not a very good alpha if you ask me."

"ENOUGH! I will not have you slandering his name. If you have any issues with your alpha you say something to his face NOT behind his back you bloody imps."

Turing around facing the little imps with anger who simpered up to silence filling and Blain who's eyes only widened in shock and confusion.

"Love, calm down. Your accents coming out again you don't need to yell your scaring Blain." Ashton whispered in my ear hugging me and kissing my cheek giving a warm hug which calmed me down. Letting out a sigh I turned kissing his lips softly before breaking free and going over to Blain giving him a hug which he returned making a "sss." Sound again attempting to talk it seemed. The teens surrounding me simply tried to back away in mild fear jumping off of the stools and scooting away from me as fast as they could out the door.

"I'm sorry Blain, I'm not mad at you. Don't be scared."
What I gained in return was yet another hug from the all too sweet boy in my arms.

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