Chapter 34 An Exploratory Impass

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"It's been almost a month and still no sign of Blain." Kai had stressed out. Turning to River he began stressfully yelling a scold.

"Are you sure this is the area?"

"For the hundredth time no I'm not sure it's a start and a guess."

Kai turned pinching a tree.

"We have a incredibly powerful brat out there who doesn't know how to control his powers and is trapped who the hell knows where. This is not ok." He seethed

Sighing Koda went over embarasing  him in a bear hug. It had a dual edge affect on him making him calm and break down. He was at his final breaking point the weight of actually losing a mate weighing on him finally. He did care. Immensely so for Blain in his own way. Not in the same way others would their mates but in the sense of closeness and tsunder teasing and mild scolding. Nothing was ever said to him to be mean he was just distant not sure how to understand his feelings. Koda was level on the outside through the whole ordeal but the strain was breaking him slowly as well.

It was tense between River and Ashton it was like a switch was flipped between them River had been incredibly stressed and distant Ashton the only other level headed person in the group let River get his frustration out by himself. If he wanted Ashton there he would have pulled him along, but right now River needed alone time as he once again ran off.

"Kai, I understand your stress, but could you please not put so much weight on Rivers shoulders it's crushing him and he's already been off since the start of our journey. We will find Blain but, this turmoil is crushing us all. River came because he wanted to try and keep the group light but now that's not even the case. Take a moment and collect yourself I'm going to go find River. When your calm again come find us alright?"

On that note Ashton left. Koda remained quiet through the talk.
"I miss him same as you but-"

"No, this is everything all over again."
Kai was getting really hot as I noticed he was on fire catching both our clothes on fire. If not being who I was I would've panicked but the flames couldn't hurt me.

"Everyone I know always leaves me, they come they go, they come they go, THEY COME THEY GO!"

I only pet Kai gently letting him vent his frustrations long over due.

"I'm sure nobody left with intention aside from what I gathered your grandmother. Your parents couldn't help it, your sister I don't know much about her case, Blain lacks control but he didn't leave on purpose."

The flames were contained by my own ability's as Kai was letting it out bit by bit ending with a exhusted body. My shirt was burned away along with Kais clothes anything that was on was barely there and burned cinders.

"Feel better?"

Kai only nodded pushing up and away as I let him. He inhaled deeply setting his stone mask again of indifference. My chest was soaked from his tears but his red eyes were already calming the sclera again. Getting up myself I felt the clothes disintegrate off.

"Well, you did a number on our clothes, and here I thought you were a-sexual." I said trying to be joking.

Kai turned flipping me off but a small smile curved ever so slight at his lips as he walked away. Yes indeed a tsunder.

Keeping pace with Kai ;River was suddenly running towards us. He was really fucking fast!

"Holy shit holy shit we found it! Well I did. But we found it!"

"Hold up, calm down what did you find?"

"The castle it's real!"

River bounced around excitedly pushing us in the direction to go before racing off. Kai and I looked at each other wide eyed and confused racing after River who was getting out of sight fast. Shifting into our shifts we kept pace better now. Kai wasn't far off on our shifts height as he was up to my shoulder in my demon werewolf form.  Soon catching up to River he disappeared from sight. Right in front of us! Sniffing the ground his scent just ended. Kai walked forward disappearing too as I walked forward as well coming out into a bright sunlight area while before storm clouds were brewing heavy with rain. The castle was how River described it in his story. It was incredibly old yet held well. Tracks were even in the gravel from feet and something thin that rolled. They had to be fresh.

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