Chapter 48 Realms of Pain

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(Koda pov) 

Currently I had Blain in my arms and in the bathroom since this universes Kai had been ohh so kind to allow me to be away from him for awhile; to what I can assume was to get me to gain a bit more trust towards him and to ensure I had less reason to try and run away and escape if he were to show me how much better he was compared to the Kai I had come to know as mine.

Setting Blain down I attempted a few more times to try and get Blain to come out of his safe place away from the whole of reality in his attempt to lessen the stress of the reality of things. Unfortunately this wasn't the ideal time to be having a mental breakdown. He could have as many as he needed to when we got back to deal with all that had happened, that and a lot of therapy. Actually, him and Kai both needed it or rather, we all would after this ordeal.

"Alright Blain, you need to come back to me now. I'm going squeeze your hand and I want you to squeeze back alright?"

I had given a firm but soft enough to not hurt him squeeze to his hand but, I hadn't gotten anything in turn to show any sign that he was even conscious enough to be aware of what was being said around him. 

"Alright Blain, I'm going to have to move up further so I hope you can become more alert as to what is going on now alright?"

I tried his thigh next a more sensitive area and still nothing.

Letting out a sigh I moved him in front of a mirror that was in this oversized bathroom that would have been for the royalty of this mansion or whomever owned it at least. 

With a reluctant sigh Koda began to undo Blains scarf around his neck that was under the loose collar positioned over his neck. This would cost Koda some of the trust points he had earned over the course of the time knowing Blain, but he had run out of options and if this didnt work he had no idea what would to bring Blain back around.

A slight reaction had occurred with Blain in front of the mirror getting a look at the horrendous mutilated throat. Blain had tensed and flinched ever so slightly. Had Koda not known what to look for it would have been played off as Blain just breathing in.

Blain hadn't responded much more past his initial reaction. With reluctance Koda began to inch his hand up further and further this wouldn't bring him any pleasure to do this to Blain, he could admit he liked a bit of torcher, but never when a person was broken and certainly not towards one of his mates. 

"Blain." Koda began in a emotionless voice.

"I can clearly see your throat, the slight muscle still there, the tendons and blood vessels pumping blood up through it. Your bone clearly on display, your vocal chords, or rather what remains of them mutilated beyond repair."

Blains body began to tense up eyes foggy before getting clearer yet. However, he wasn't fully there either. He needed more of a push to come back around Koda realized. Hand moved up slowly onto his chest moving so slow you wouldn't know it was moving unless you knew the origin point prior.

"The metal is just wrapped around your throat, isn't it a pity it can't be removed? Isn't it sad the skin there can't have even a graft placed over to cover it all? Isn't it awful your skin is so inflamed and red? Raw? Mutilated? I bet it hurts. Constant agony I would wager."

Koda's hand inched further and further up to just a inch away from touching Blains throat. He had washed his hands prior just in case but,had  hoped he would come out of it before it would get to the point of him having to take such drastic measures.  His fingers went up closer and closer to Blain's throat not even a centimeter from touching it.

"I'm curious, how does it feel?"

His voice held some inflection of inquiry.

Koda's fingers barely went and grazed his throat and the metal entwining it together holding skin over where it could. Binding the area so sourly there was no hope of ever having it repaired or even a graft done over it to try and make Blains life more comfortable, ever for the slightest bit. Blain's hands shot up pushing Koda's hand away tears streaming down his face body shaking and eyes darting around the room.

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