what you guys do on a night in

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kiss (a LoT) 

lots of hand holding 

you giggle at him when he makes Tik Toks 

when you make Tik Toks he always makes sure to grab your waist from behind or hold your hand  so people know you guys are together 

you fall asleep first and he just smiles and watches you sleep (in a non-creepy way ofc) 


deep conversations 

make out sessions 

a LOT of cuddles 

he acts goofy and tickles you a lot 

he falls asleep first with his arms around you 


he compliments you almost every second 

lots of forehead and cheek kisses 

he accidentally gives you hickeys ;)

you eat junk food and watch movies together 

you fall asleep first and he carries you to bed 


you cuddle most of the time

he holds your hand and lets you wear his hoodie 

he's super respectful and makes sure you're okay with kissing and everything

you play fight and just end up tickling each other 

you have really deep conversations 

you fall asleep on his chest and he falls asleep with his head resting on yours 


you play with his hair a lot (but he doesn't mind cause it's you :))

lots of hugs 

he seems super innocent but when he wants to make out, he wants to make out ;)

he makes jokes just so you'll laugh and smile 

you both have a pillow fight and act like crackheads together 

he falls asleep first with his head resting on your lap 


you guys bake or do some cutesy thing like that 

you end up making a mess and having to clean it up

he always wants to hold your hand :)

you guys talk, and then kiss, and then talk, and then kiss more ;)

there's also long moments of silence where you guys just stop and stare into each other's eyes

you both fall asleep together, holding hands 

I hope you guys liked this. I'm super tired rn but I enjoy making these. Okie, well, that's all. Also if you're reading and you'd like to make a request, definitely let me know! I would love to write something for any one of you guys. Also if you want, I can put your name in the short story, but only if you want me to. If you do request a story, but would like to remain anonymous, we can do that too. k, well, that's all for me. 

Tik Tok Boys (Imagines and Preferences)Where stories live. Discover now