first date (arcade) - griffin johnson

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It's happening.

Today is the day Griffin and I, the boy I've had a crush on for ages, are finally going on a date! He hasn't told me where we're going yet, but I know that it'll be perfect. I sit up in bed and check my phone. No notifications, but it's 4:46 p.m, and he's supposed to pick me up at 6.

I quickly jump off my bed and grab my makeup bag and hairbrush. Running down the stairs, I think about what I should wear. I decide to do my makeup first, and then pick an outfit.

-- time skip cause I'm too lazy to write about you putting makeup on --

I stand back from the mirror and admire my work. It's possibly the best style that I've ever done. Mostly natural, with a hint of something special.

 Mostly natural, with a hint of something special

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(it looked something like this^^)

I brush through my hair until there are no remaining knots, and grab my things.

Once I'm back upstairs I search my closet for something cute. I decide on a cute, yellow crop top and some light jean shorts. I throw on a cropped leather jacket on top of that. I slip on my black vans and take one final look in the mirror. My phone suddenly dings, and I practically sprint to check it.

There's a message from Griffin that says:

Hey. I'm outside. Are you ready yet?

I type back, yes :).

Before I even turn off my phone, I hear a knock at my door. I walk downstairs and open the front door, and there he was.

He looked incredibly cute in ripped jeans and a t-shirt. He wore a cute smirk on his face, which only made me blush.

"I just need to grab my phone. Do you want to come in?" I step aside to give him room.

"Sure. Thanks." He steps past me and I try not to watch him as I close the door. I lead him to the living room and he sits down on the couch.

"I'll be right back." He smiles at me and nods his head. I quickly run up the stairs and grab a small purse and my phone. Stuffing my phone inside, I also grab some lip gloss and a twenty dollar bill, then I'm down the stairs again. "Ok, let's go." Griffin stands up and walks towards me. Before I can open the door, he's holding my hand and opening it for me. I blush and look down, hoping he didn't notice. "So, where exactly are we going?" I ask as I lock the door.

"Well, I thought about that for a while, and I realized that every time I've gone on a date with a girl, we've either gone to the movies or gotten something to eat. But I wanted to do something special with you. So, we're going to the old arcade on the edge of town. Is that okay with you?" He opens the car door for me and allows me to step in. Before I can answer, the car door is closed. He walks around the car and slides into the driver's seat.

"Yeah, that's fine. I've never been there before."

"It's a really cool place. It looks like it's from the 80s with all these neon signs, retro video games, and everything. I think you'll like it." He smiles and starts the car.

-- time skip to the arcade --

As we walk up to the door, Griffin takes my hand again. It feels right, having his hand in mine. We interlock our fingers and go inside.

The first thing I smell isn't very pleasant, but it's followed by the smell of buttered popcorn from the popcorn machine in the corner. Other teens and a few kids play games all around us. Griffin leads me to the counter, and places a ten dollar bill on the surface.

"We'd like 25 tokens please." He says to the employee. She eyes him up and down and smirks. It agitates me, knowing that she's checking him out, but I just ignore her. Instead, I squeeze his hand tighter and kiss his cheek.

"Thanks for paying." He blushes and smiles at me.

"If paying will get you to kiss me on the cheek, I'll do it any time we go anywhere." We both giggle, and the lady just rolls her eyes, clearly disappointed that Griffin didn't show any interest in her.

"Here you go." She says, annoyed.

"Thanks." I say, and we both walk into the sea of vintage games and prizes.

-- another time skip --

Griffin and I had a blast at the arcade. After we won all of our tickets, we went to the prize counter and Griffin got me a cute little panda stuffed animal with them. I hugged it close to my chest and thanked him. Afterwards, he led me outside.

"Listen, y/n, I really like you. I know that might sound like I'm desperate, but I just really feel something between us. You're really sweet, and I hope that we can go on a second date." He looks away, clearly nervous for my response.

"Griffin, I would love to." I take his hand, and he slowly turns and looks at me. And then, we kiss. It's only for a second, but I can already feel my heart flutter and the butterflies in my stomach. When we pull apart, he leans his head on mine, and we both laugh, nervous but excited for what's to come.

Ok I'm actually really happy with this one! I hope you guys are too. Anyway, please comment what you guys want more of. Thank you! (ALSO THANK YOU FOR GOING FROM 200 to 300 READS IN LESS THAN A DAY AHHHHH) ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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