what you do on your first date (fall edition)

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he takes you apple picking, and you both enjoy the different apples. once you get home, you eat the apples and have dinner together. :)


you both go for a walk and admire all of the leaves that are changing colors. at one point, you and him play with the fallen leaves and throw them at each other. ;)


you both decide that you want to have a bonfire. while it's usually seen as a summer thing, you both roast marshmallows and have a debate about whether a marshmallow tastes better burnt, or perfectly toasted. 


you both go pumpkin picking. once you each find the perfect one, you go back to your house and carve them. while you're busy carving, he surprises you by carving both of your initials in his pumpkin. ;)


you both stay in and make cute couples costumes for halloween. you make a jelly costume for Noen (because it matches the hair color he has at the moment), and a peanut butter costume for yourself. together, you make peanut butter and jelly. :)


you both make caramel apples (but make a giant mess doing so.) Payton won't stop trying to eat the warm caramel, so you have to keep reminding him not to. ;)

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