first date (amusement park) - jaden hossler

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I had never known that this day would come. Jaden confessed he had a crush on me two weeks ago, and ever since then, I had been starting to feel things for him. Every kind gesture he made, and every smile he sent my way, began to make my heart flutter. At first, I had told him that I wasn't sure how I was feeling, but now I'm certain. The feelings are mutual.

Jaden and I made plans to go on a first date about two days ago, and we had no idea where to go. Jaden had asked me where I liked to go, and I said I liked doing exciting things. So, he suggested Six Flags Great Adventure. I agreed, and now, I was getting ready for our date. He was picking me up at 2:00, and we would drive an hour to get to the park. We would be there until 10:00 at night.

I was dressed in ripped jeans, my red converse, and a black and white striped top. It was actually pretty cute, but I hadn't thought about the chilly night air that would be brushing past me on the roller coasters. Suddenly, I remembered that I had a jeans jacket in my closet. I pulled it out, and put it on. It fit like a glove.

I looked out my window to see Jaden pull up in his car, and grabbed my phone. I ran downstairs with $60 in my pocket. Before Jaden could even ring the doorbell, I was opening the door and running into his arms. He held me for so long, I didn't want to let go.

"Y/n, I wanna hold you forever, but we should probably get going." Jaden said. I nodded my head and slowly let go of him. He smiled at me and took my hand. I locked the door, and we both walked to his car.

-- time skip to Six Flags --

The whole time we were driving, Jaden wouldn't let go of my hand. And I loved it. I didn't want him to let go. Several times, he kissed the back of my hand, which only made me feel luckier. Once we had parked the car and gotten through the long line for tickets, we walked into the park, and our first date had officially begun.

I wrapped my arms around Jaden's waist and we started walking towards the water fountain in the center of the park. We admired the water droplets, and stopped to take a few pictures, before we started walking again.

"So, what rides do you like?" Jaden asked me.

"Well, I love rides, but I'm a little scared to go on them alone. I'm glad you're here with me." I squeezed him tighter, and he kissed me on the top of my head.

"I'm glad I'm here with you, too." He said. "How about we go on Bizarro?" Jaden suggested. I nodded, and we started walking in that direction. Once we got in line, it only took about 20 minutes before we could get on the ride. Jaden went on the end of the row of four, and I sat down next to him.

"Okay, promise me you won't let go of my hand?" I asked him. He smiled and squeezed my hand.

"Never." He reassured me. I sighed a great sigh of relief and began to relax. This would be fun. The ride suddenly began moving, and we screamed and laughed throughout the whole ride. We never let go of each other's hands.

-- time skip to a few hours later --

We had gone on almost every ride in the park, when a giant stuffed llama caught my eye in the corner of a carnival game. It was a basketball game, and I knew that I had a fair chance at winning. I had played basketball as a kid. I stopped walking, and Jaden felt me come to a halt. He stopped and tried to figure out what I was looking at.

"I really want that." I said. "Would it be okay if we could stop so I can play?" I asked him, sticking out my bottom lip for extra effect.

"Yeah, of course." He said. I dragged him over and gave the employee $3.00.

"Okay, you get three tries to win that prize." He pointed to the llama. "If you make three baskets in a row, then you win. Good luck." He stepped out of the way, and allowed me to begin the game. I took a shot, and missed. I had already lost. I couldn't believe it. I took another shot, and made it. Jaden looked at me and smiled.

"Don't worry, you got this." He said. I shot again, and made it. I was happy, but I still hadn't won.

"If I give you $3.00, can I play again?" The employee nodded, so I handed him the money. "If I make this shot, does that count as three in a row?" I asked him. He nodded. I took a deep breath, and shot. The basketball went through the hoop. I jumped up and down, and hugged Jaden as hard as I could.

"I knew you could do it." He whispered in my ear. I smiled and nuzzled my face into his neck. He was so warm, and it comforted me so much.

"Thank you. I can't believe I've been living this long without you." Jaden suddenly scooped me up at the sound of my words. My legs wrapped around him, and he hugged me tighter.

"I've been waiting for the day you would say that to me." He said. I could feel how happy he was.

The employee gave me my prize, and I hugged it to my chest. Me and Jaden walked, hand in hand, back towards the exit of the park. Once we were out and in the car, Jaden took my hand again. I smiled.

"Thank you for taking me here today." I said. I tried not to blush, but the look he was giving me was so intense, that it was hard not to.

"I wouldn't have brought anyone else." He said. He was beginning to lean in, and so was I. Before I could even process what was happening, we were kissing. It was so amazing, and so real, and so full of love. I knew that this boy was the one for me.

Anyway, I'm so grateful for over 1.8k reads! Thank you so much! Love you all! If you have any requests, please don't be shy! I would love to write them. 🥰

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