Nico di angelo

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(A/N:this chapter contains boo spoilers so if you don't want to know anything just skip it ⚡️,sorry)
Blame it on dad,I don't believe him,he's just sending me to school because he doesn't approve of my relationship with will solace son of Apollo,I don't believe him!

So here I am at worthington academy,sitting in a Ancient Greek class listening to the teacher drone about the giant war which I was in and even worse because of I'm staying under cover I have to change my surname,I can't believe it!,it's ridicules!

"So Nico Di la morte who was the boy that got trapped into a jar by the giant twins,name and godly parent please"the teacher droned on thinking I wasn't listening

I smirked,"Nico Di angelo,son of hades"

if every lesson people asked questions about my life,I would be a star student!

"Oh okay"the teacher answered back,shocked that I answered so confidently

I tried to go back into my daydream about a certain son of Apollo,when the girl next to me,I think her name was rose interrupted me

"So how do you know so much about the giant war"she asked suspiciously

"I...err..go to a summer camp for dyslexia and ADHD kids and they taught it there"I replied nervously

"Oh"she replied obviously not convinced

"So"the teacher carried on"today we are concentrating on Percy Jackson's and Annabeth chase's relationship during the giant war.

I groaned,this is so typical I have to sit through a lesson about my ex crush and his girlfriend,grr

I lasted half an hour when annoying cousin number 1 walked into the class room.

The teacher was going on about how percy and Annabeth had survived by watching each other's back when there was A knock at the door

"Come in"the teacher said irrated

"Um hey"I turned to face percy jackson himself,he was wearing his orange camp t-shirt and some jeans with the tip of riptide popping out of his left pocket,"could I please have Nico Di angelo"

"There is no Nico Di angelo in this class"the teacher replied shortly

He grinned at me "I pretty sure there is

When he was just about to say it was me he looked at the board and started laughing

"Oh my gods"he said in between breaths,"Annabeth come here" he shouted "your not gonna believe what there learning !" A couple of seconds later Annabeth appeared,"what do you want seaweed brai.."she looked at the board and smirked,"I swear this is Aphrodite's work!"

"I know right"

At this point I got really annoyed as they hadn't seemed to realise there were mortals In the room.

"Mortals!"I muttered louder than I was supposed to

"I know thank you very much I was just getting to that"percy replied

"Hey,I'm percy jackson,son of Poseidon,one of the seven and all that "

"Seriously"me and Annabeth said at the same time

"I know you don't like taking credit for things but you did more than that"I grinned,finally getting up and hugging him and Annabeth

"He's right you know"Annabeth agreed

"Anyway"percy talked to the class,avoiding the topic of his achievements."this is my amazing girlfriend"he put his arm around around Annabeth,"Annabeth chase daughter of Athena ,retriever of the lighting bolt,golden fleece,surviver of the labyrinth,hero of the Titan war,architect of Olympus,,one of the seven,retriever of the Athena Parthianous and surviver of tar..well you know where"he breathed out,"and this is"I interrupted him

"Let me introduce myself"

"I'm Nico Di angelo son of hades,surviver of the giant and Titan war and you know where "I finished

I was just about to ask why they were here when another head popped through the door and my vision tunnelled

Standing there was will solace,his blonde hair glowed like the sun and his blue eye caught mine

I ran towards him and we kissed for the first time in ages,I didn't really care what the mortals think it's not like I'm gonna see them again

"Surprise"will laughed"I managed to get out of the infirmary and pursued your dad to let you back at camp "

"How did you do that"

"Well with the help from that guy over there"he pointed towards

"Thanks kelp head"

"Anything for my little cous"he grinned

"Okay enough talking let get to camp"Annabeth started

And with that we left a whole class full of shocked mortals and left for camp

How was the chapter,sorry about the boo spoilers I just ship solangelo so hard 😍

If there are any mistakes in this chapter please let me know thanks

Disclaimer:I don't own any of the percy jackson/heroes of Olympus characters

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Jess,daughter of Zeus ⚡️

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