Annabeth chase

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Annabeth pov
I am so annoyed with the gods right now,I finally get reunited with percy and then boom I have to go to school without him.i was desperate to see him again but right now I had to survive school.since the gods revealed themselves to the human world,greek classes including greek language,greek history and greek geography(this includes greek architecture!)were compulsory

Even though I'm quite shy at school I've became good friends with a mortal girl called Freya,to be honest with you I think she may be a demigod as she lives with her dad and she looks quite a bit like the children from the Demeter cabin.

Freya had long blonde hair down to her back,blue eyes and a peaceful ora,today she wore a pink top with rainbow patterns with a blue skirt to her knees,she wore pink pumps to match her top and her hair was in a braid down her left shoulder

We were walking to my locker when stephan,the school jock,came up behind me
"I'll pick you up on your date at 7"he winked at me
I slapped him
"Ooh I like my girls feisty!"
"Shut up I have a boyfriend and even if I was single,I would never date players like you!"I shouted at him.
He gave me a look and stormed off.
"Good story"Freya grinned at me,"I wish I could of thought of one like that"
I frowned at her
"I do have a boyfriend you know!"
"Really?....what's he like then"
"His name is peter Johnson (I had to make this name up due to publicity) and he has gorgeous black hair and sea green eyes that you can just get lost in"
"Yea..okay..."Freya was not convinced
Luckily the bell saved me
"Great"Freya muttered,"greek geography next "
(A/N:greek geography teaches like where things were,where they are today,the teach people about places like the underworld ⚡️)
As me and Freya headed into class,I looked up on the board to see what we were doing today,in big capital letters the word "underworld"stood out to me.
"Oh my gods "I muttered
Since,t..ta..well you know where I've been getting awful flashbacks,percy gets them to but not as much as me as I'd seen him in more pain there then he'd seen me.
I sat down in my seat glumly and started to daydream,I know what your thinking,me,daydreaming?,well unlike percy,I purposely decided to daydream to try and block out our lessons objective/theme,clever,right,well wrong!

"So today"mrs.marson smiled pointing at the title,we are learning about the underworld and about 2 certain demigods that had been there,annabeth chase and percy jackson.
Also I forgot to say,I also had to change my surname due to publicity stunts and all that stuff,so my mortal name is Annabeth waters,Percy's idea don't ask,
"Percy jackson and Annabeth chase have both been to the underworld many time due to quests and unlucky events"
I silently groaned and went back into a forced daydream
I was awoken 25 minutes later by the teacher
"So annabeth,can you please name he river the couple,percy and annabeth chase,fell in when they arrived in Tartarus....
My vision went black and I entered my flashback
Freya's pov
All the teacher did was ask annabeth a question,and I know she has post traumatic stress syndrome but I didn't think it was this bad,I think the whole school could probably hear her screaming.all the people that tried to help her and comfort her got black eyes or cracked ribs due her thrashing and kicking.
At this point everyone was just staring at her wondering what to do,when I remembered what she told me to do if she gets like this.
I ran to her phone and clicked the emergency number
"Hi this is annabeths phone"annabeths voice started to speak
"If for some weird reason I have managed to loose my phone and you have found it click one to contact camp"
It paused
"If it's percy trying to get into my phone,then just give up seaweed brain,you'll never get in!"
It paused again
"If I am having a flashback which includes kicking,screaming and many other things, click 2
I clicked 2 and the phone started calling someone named seaweed brain,weird nickname huh.
A teenaged boy answered
"Hey Annabeth,still surviving school?"
"This isn't Annabeth,it's a friend Freya,her post traumatic stress syndrome is playing up"
His voice sounded tense,"okay,I'll come straight away,but make sure no one go's near her,no one"he sounded very protective
"See you in a minute"
"Bye then"I put the phone down

After a couple of nervous minutes,a boy around our age sprinted through the door and ran to annabeth
"What do you think your doing young man"mrs marson spoke with extra strictness to him
He ignored her and bent down next Annabeth
"She'll hurt you,you know"I observed.
He ignored me as well and started to hug Annabeth
"Annabeth,I'm here,don't worry I'm not dead"he whispered to her quietly
"What do you mean not dead?"I blurted out
His Carming green eyes turned into hurricanes
"Non of your buisness"he growled at me
He carried on soothing Annabeth
"Percy?"Annabeth questioned
"I'm here"he whispered
Her eyes cleared and her screaming turned into sobbing.
He kissed her on the cheek,"it's okay,I'm okay"
Annabeths pov
Percy stood up slowly holding my Hand
"We should go to camp and see if Apollo can get you some more of those "anti dream"tablets"percy told me reassuringly
I nodded a we started heading towards the door
"Stop"stephan stood up"who are you,really?"
I looked at him and sighed
"My full title is Annabeth chase daughter of Athena,
Retriever of the lightning bolt and fleece,surviver of the labyrinth and finder of pan,one of the seven,and you know where"I pointed at the bored
"And him"Freya asked
"Oh I thought you would of guessed that by now,this is my boyfriend percy jackson,son of Poseidon,and-"
"We need to get to camp"percy Inturrupted me
"Seriously seaweed brain?"
He nodded,"we need to talk to Apollo!"
I kissed him on the lips
"Let's go then"
"Okay"percy pointed at Freya who had the Demeter symbol glowing above her head,"daughter of Demeter" percy approached her,"come on let's take you to camp
With that the 3 if us caught a cab to camo half blood.
How was this chapter
If there are any mistakes,please let me know so I can correct them
Also do you want me to start writing a mortals meet fanfic??
Comment below !
Disclaimer:I do not own the percy jackson series as I'm a teenage girl that can't write as well as rick riorden xx

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