Thalia grace

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I don't believe Artimus,just because we are running low on hunters, since the giant war,she expect me to find some by going to a mortal school,a MORTAL school,I don't believe her,this is just so unfair!

So over the few weeks I've been here I've made a few friends,all of which are single and want to stay single,so they could be could candidates.theres six of us including me,there's...

Libby,a tall girl with long brown hair and blue eyes

Sophie,a girl with frizzy brown hair and brown eyes

Emma,a small girl with blond curly hair and blue eyes

Sarah,a mediam sort of girl with short brown hair and green eyes

Grace,a tall girl with black long hair and brown eyes

All of them I had came quite close with since I've started here

But off coarse the bloody nemeinion lion couldn't stay dead and ruined my school life

It was a normal school day and I was in a good mood as percy and Annabeth were picking me up from school which was a little bit annoying as theey are now older then me,so i look like there little cousin or something like that.but I haven't seen them in ages and even though i hated to admit it,I missed them.

"What's put you in a good mood?"Emma asked me whilst we we're walking to maths,our last period of the day

"Oh nothing much"I mumbled,"my cousin and his girlfriend are picking me up later that's all"I tried to hide my smile but I was just to excited

"Okay"I heard grace say with fake worry,"are you on drugs or something?,your never this happy" .

"Yea"Sarah joined in,"at this rate you could fit in with the cheerleaders"i groaned thinking of those sluts (a/n I don't actually think this by the way as I do cheerleading and it's fun and I hate the steareo type people give it ⚡️)

"There's our Thalia"Sophie smiled

"Anyway"I said trying to distract them,"we need to get to maths "

"Okay"the all grinned simultaneously,

,"as long as we can meet your cousin as anyone that can make you that happy is someone I want to be friends with"Libby smiled

Everyone nodded there heads in agreement

"Fine"I muttered,"but let's get to maths

(Time lapse till end of school *insert unicorn emojii*⚡️)

"So where are we meeting your cousin and his girlfriend"grace asked me curiously

"Over there"I pointed at a grass clearing just outside the school gates

"Let's go then"

We were just outside the gate when the nemeinion lion popped up out of no where,and he seemed to remember me as he appeared,he crawled over to me growling.

"Oh for Zeus's sake"I muttered

Thunder rumbled up ahead

"Whatever dad"I looked up at the sky

I only remembered my friends were there when Libby interrupted me,

"Why did you just say?"Libby asked

"Oh nothing,tell you in a minute"I charged

Don't ask what happens next all I remember was two people helping me fight the beast as I went into full battle mode

When the creature finally dissolved into dust I looked over to the two people who were helping me fight,percy and Annabeth

Annabeth looked mostly shocked,while percy was there laughing so hard I thought he was gonna burst.

After he calmed down he grinned at me

"I swear to the gods,we can never have a peaceful meeting"

I laughed

"Well kelp head it's quite hard saying your the most-

I was interrupted by my friends behind me

"What was that"I heard Emma ask

Percy answered for me

"Oh um a nemeinion lion,there normally easier to be killed,but I didn't have any space food on me"he told them casually

Me and percy got into heaps of laughter

"Oh that dam lion"

"I know he came at the dam wrong time"

"At the dam wrong place"

"With the wrong da-"

"That's enough you two"Annabeth scowled

"Sorry about these two,gods I leave them together,for what"she looked at us,"2-3 weeks and then they go mad!"she pretended to be angry but it wasn't working.

"Who are you?"Sophie asked suspiciosiosly,"really?"

"I'm Thalia grace,daughter of Zeus,lietenenet of Artimus,surviver of two big wars

They looked shocked

"And who are they!"

"Annabeth chase,daughter of Athena,architect of Olympus,one of the seven,surviver of both wars and"I looked at her and then whispered to my friends"Tartarus"I paused for a bit

"And him"Sarah pointed

"Oh this is percy jackson,son of Poseidon,one of the seven,savour of Olym-"

Percy interrupted,"that's enough,don't bore them to death with my title"

"So your a demigod and immortal"Libby asked

"Yea pretty much"

"Is that why you never date boys?"



"Well.."I paused,"lady Artimus is alway looking for recruits,so if your wanting to join you can,but you'll have to be an eternal maiden"

Sophie,Libby and Sarah agreed and stayed with us while grace and Emma declined and left for home

Maybe high school wasn't so bad after all I have 3 new friends in the hunt now

So what do you think,sorry it seems a little rushed but I couldn't help myself as I'm doing my favourite idea next chapter,please let me know if there are any mistakes as knowing me there will be.

Also I have started a YouTube channel so go and check that out my name is

🎦faults in a fangirl 🎦

Also check my Instagram out


Disclaimer:I don't own the percy jackson/heroes of Olympus series

Hope you enjoyed it

Jess daughter of Zeus ⚡️

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