Chapter 3: She wants to be friends?

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[third person pov]

Time went by fast today. Classes seemed faster, and it was already lunch time. Jellal entered the noisy cafeteria and picked up some lunch from the line. He sat at a table with Erik and before he could take a bite out of his food, Yukino clears her throat. Jellal looks up, mouth open from preparing to eat. He looks to Erik then back at her. "Mind if I sit here?" She held her tray of food, patiently waiting for an answer. "I mean I guess," Jellal watched her sit down and took a bite of his food. He tried not to pay any mind as to why she decided to sit with him and Erik. "This isn't weird right?" Yukino looked at both of them.

Two answers were said at once.
"It is," Jellal said without hesitation.
"No, not at all," Erik eagerly said, then smacked the back of Jellal's head. "Wha—" Jellal looked at Erik in confusion and Erik just eyed him.
Yukino just watches them act odd and can't help but laugh. They both look at her. "So it's fine?"
"Yes!" Erik smiled, while Jellal didn't even bother to answer. Jellal really didn't care. Something wasn't right. Why would Yukino, the one who is most likely dating Sting, want to talk to him and Erik? "I was thinking we should be friends, Jellal. Weirdos stick together right?" She toyed with her food and stared at him. Jellal looked up at her from his food and shrugged, "First off, I'm not a weirdo and you're not a weirdo. You're the pretty girl who doesn't hang around guys like us. And we're the guys who don't participate in any of the school drama."

Yukino laughed and shrugged, "Well that may be right, but I think being my friend would be good for you." Jellal had no interest in this conversation while Erik watched without a word. "How exactly?" Was she trying to offend him? Nahh. Hopefully not. "Well I just think you could use more social interaction," she raises her eyebrows and smiles. Jellal rolls his eyes and continues eating his food, "Fine." Erik looks at him, then at Yukino, "What about me?" She looks him up and down and smiles, "Sure. Friends of Jellal are friends of mine."

Jellal focuses on his food, not making contact with her while thinking. He gets up and dumps his tray and comes back for Erik, "Let's go. Bye, Yukino."
She smiles and waves, "Bye-bye"

"What was that all about?" Erik asks Jellal with a stern tone. "I don't know," Jellal tightens his grip on his backpack and keeps walking. "Dude I think she was flirting with you," Erik smirks and nudges him. "Do you know how dumb you sound right now?" Jellal opens the door to his next class and Erik stands there frowning.

School is over, and basketball try outs are today. Jellal waits patiently in the gym already in clothes to play in. Gray, Natsu, and Gajeel show up to his surprise. They sit down next to Jellal and goof around. Jellal just minds his business and looks at the court. Natsu nudges Jellal and laughs, "Yooo what's your name?" Jellal looks at him and fakes a smile, "Jellal. Yours?" He already knows his name, but asks anyway. "I'm Natsu. Oh and this is Gray and Gajeel," he points to them and they wave uninterested. "Great, I didn't know you guys were into basketball? You're the football boys," Jellal furrowed his eyebrows and Natsu just shrugs, keeping that smile on his face, "Well we just wanted to try something new. And look where this got us, we got to meet you," Natsu pats Jellal's back and he just blinks, pursing his lips, "Nice."

"Natsu you can't just touch someone when you want to, kinda like Lucy," Gray starts laughing at his own joke. Natsu smacks Gray's head and turns to Jellal, "Lucy is my girlfriend," Jellal nods awkwardly, "That's nice. Yea I see you guys in the halls." Gajeel laughs at Natsu and nudges Gray, "He called her his girlfriend," they both laugh in unison. Natsu yells at them both and Gray turns to Jellal, "Don't worry, she's still single so you got it, buddy." He winks at Jellal and Natsu gets flustered, "Gray why don't you text Juvia." Gray shrugs and pulls out his phone, "Sure, why not. At least I've got a real relationship."
He texts her [Are you a painting?] and waits for a reply. Jellal buds in and laughs, "What kind of pick up line is that?" Gray laughs too, "Not a very good one. Oh— she responded. 'No, why?'" he reads out loud and smirks, texting her back [because I'd nail you against the wall] Jellal raises his eyebrows, "That was pretty straight forward." Natsu squints and looks at the messages, "Oh I thought he was gonna say he wanted to hang her." Gray scolds him and smacks the back of his head again. Natsu rubs it, "oww!" Jellal laughs, watching them fool around. 'These guys aren't half that bad' he thought to himself. Natsu looks at Jellal and smiles, "You seem chill. You wanna be friends with us?" Gray nods, and Gajeel stays on his phone, uninterested. Jellal shrugged, trying to seem cool, "Sure." This was it. Jellal is friends with the jocks, and they aren't even as bad as he thought. He smiles and keeps fooling around with them until Laxus and Sting show up. "You guys are here early," Sting walks up to them and daps his friends up. Jellal watched them commute. Sting looks at Jellal and smiles, "Wassup, man." Jellal nods and continues to watch. Natsu puts his hand on Jellal's shoulder and introduces him, "This is Jellal. He's friends with us now, he's actually really chill." Sting smiles and puts his hand out to dap Jellal up, "Yea he's got some balls. Nearly made Laxus go ape shit on him this morning." He laughs and nudges Laxus, who isn't even paying attention. Laxus looks at Sting and at the others now, "Hey, sorry I'm texting Mira." Laxus looks back at his phone then at Jellal, "Oh you're mr. tough guy from this morning." Jellal looks around then at Laxus, "I wouldn't call myself that." He laughed and looked back at his phone, "You don't gotta be scared. I'm not gonna beat you up or anything." The group laughs and Jellal chimes in. 'So Laxus isn't that mean either?' Everything Jellal thought he knew about these guys probably wasn't accurate. The coach arrives and looks at all the boys trying out for basketball. There's about 40 here, and the try outs begin. Jellal is hoping he'll make the team.

[Next Chapter: Crime on Barron Street]

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