Run Away

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Here we are folks we have temporarily met our end. I hope you all enjoy my personal favorite song of this album, Run Away.

"Ooh, it's her favorite so it must be good." Zoe said.

Yup I love this song, but this might offend Evan for reasons I won't explain.

They met at school, that's how it goes
Some drinks and then a rose
Then plans to meet again

"Ooh another failed relationship he had." Jared said

"I don't know Jer  I don't think this verse is about him." Alana said.

"Sure it is, they all were."


He wrote her poems, songs, and prose
She knew that he'd propose
She only wondered when

"See its referencing a girl and if we know anything by now, he's definitely gay." Zoe said

"Fuck, so who are these randos?" Jared replies.

"We don't know yet. I'm gonna assume his parents cause they need a shoutout for creating this beautiful human." Heidi responded.

One night, before they went to bed
He kneeled on both knees
And this is what he said

"What did he say?"

"Jared, shut the fuck up," Connor stated.

I may not be wise
And I won't save the day
But look in my eyes
And know I'll always stay

"I get it now, cause Evans dad didn't st-"

"Jared don't finish that sentence." Evan replied.

And I won't run away
I won't run away


"Jared I will tell your mother about your behavior!"

"No please, Ms. Hansen! Show mercy!"

Some years went by, they had a child
He was funny, strange, and mild
Their love for him ran deep

"As any intelligent being's should. I mean look at him!" Zoe said.

"Agreed,"Alana retaliated.

Some nights, his dreams would drive him wild

"What kind of dreams?"

"No Jared, you're not allowed to remove the innocence!" Evan exclaimed.

So into bed, she piled
To help him fall asleep

"Jared, we can all hear you in our minds, and no this isn't kinky, so don't even talk." Connor said, cutting the other off before he had a chance to speak.

One night, he couldn't get to bed
So she kneeled on both knees
And this is what she said

"Aww this is cute!" Cynthia stated.

"Yeah it's so sweet and sincere." Zoe said

"Sincerely Me!" Evan, Jared and Connor yelled simultaneously.

"Ugh, boys." Alana said.

"I'm sorry, I brought this fate upon us." Zoe apologized.

I may not be wise
And I won't save the day
But look in my eyes
And know I'll always stay
And I won't run away

"It's fine coming from his mom, because it reminds me of So Big, So Small. But fuck his dad." Evan said.

"Kinky." Jared exclaimed

"Jared, why?" Alana yelled.

"Because boys will be bugs." Larry said.

"Dad, was that a Cavetown reference?" Zoe asked, "OMG, you're my new favorite parent!"

"I am insulted," Cynthia added.

"No offense,mom."


I won't run away

You say it's safer on your own
You'd rather sleep alone
Than grow to need me there

"Hah, sounds like Connor. Can't accept any form of affection." Jared stated.

"Shut the fuck up Kleinman!"

"Hey I'm just tryna tell the truth."

"In five seconds you'll be tryna 'Stay Alive'"

"Connor wrong musical!" Zoe said.

"That wasn't even a reference !"

"It will be, if u say it around Fangirl." Alana added.

But I hope now you can see
What my mom and dad showed me
I'm not going anywhere

"People say he's my doppelgänger but he has a dad and last time I checked my dad did run Away!"

Geez Ev you need to take a chill pill and freeze your brain.

"This is not time for JD and the equip! They would only egg each other on!" Connor added.

I love you more and more each day
To love is not to leave
So hear me when I say

"Aw Benny boy, you are so precious." Zoe said

"Yeah, yeah, he's great we g-get it! I'm still mad about the dad thing!" Evan exclaimed.

"Calm down, Evan, it's only a song." Cooed Heidi.

I may not be wise
And I won't save the day
But look in my eyes
And know I'll always stay
And I won't run away
I won't run away

And scene. Hehe.

"This might be the end of this album, but bring on the deleted songs!" Zoe chimes.

Slow down Zo, schools bout to start back up meaning we'll have to save this for the weekend. I won't have as much time. So this will be it for a while. Thanks for all the love and I support on these books.

"Books? What the Frickety frack is she goin on about? And who is she talking to?" Jared asked."

Shh, Jared this is no time for fourth wall breaking questions.

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