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I know it's been a while friends, I've been a little preoccupied.I love this song. Fight me if you disagree.

"I'll take that bet." Connor says.

I will punch you in the face if you hit me.

"Okay, never mind."

"Ha, you got told off by a thirteen year old." Jared said.

"Shut up, Jare." Evan said.

I was walking down 57th street towards Park
With the same old song in my same old heart

"What do you mean old, you're so young and handsome." Zoe screamed.

Making plans I'm gonna do when I get older
Passed a gray-haired man and I found his eyes

"What is all this future talk, we live in the now."

"Shh, Jared, I think it's really responsible of him to think of his futere."

"Heidi, you're insane. The future is irrelevant."

"And you wonder why you work at Panda Express."

It's like he knew my thoughts and he read my mind
Saying life is gonna find you when it's supposed to

"You millenials won't understand this."

"Oh c'mon ma, we aren't retarded, well maybe Jared is b-but other than him." Evan replies.

"I am offended."

Felt my feet stop short and I turned my head
Tried to lean into every word he said
Then he said

"I kinda don't understand where this is going, but I like the way it sounds." Zoe said.

"Meh, it hasn't blown me away yet." Alana claimed.

"That's cuz we're like thirty seconds into the song."

Yeah, you turds talk too much.

When you are younger
You'll wish you're older
Then when you're older
You'll wish for time to turn around

"I relate to this so much." Heidi said.

"Agreed," added Larry.

"Heh, sucks for you oldies, I still have a life to live."

"Jared, when do you think we were born?" Cynthia asks.

"Do you sincerely want me to answer that?"

"Hold me back Heidi, I'm boutta smack the shit out of this kid."

"Woah." Evan said.

Don't let your wonder turn into closure
When you get older
When you get older

"Like grandpa old, or just not teenager old." Alana said.

Eh, just old is good enough.

Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh

Have I killed my thoughts right before their prime?

"Like Connor killed hims-" Jared stopped.

Hush now child, or you might not wake up tomorrow either.

Have I bit my tongue one too many times
Have I said it all the way I really meant to?
If I wait 'til my tomorrow comes
Is the waiting all I've ever done?

"Fight for what you believe in, that's what I do."

"Are you sure about that Larry cause you seem really passive when it comes to your family." Connor says.

"He has a point dad." Zoe adds.

"Hm." is all Cynthia said.

And will I get to
Get to know myself in the place I am
Get to fall in love with another man and understand

"THE BIG GAY!" Heidi said.

"We STAN HOMOS HERE!" Zoe replied.

"I'm embarassed to know you people." Cynthia added.



"Zoe I'm disowning you."

"That is literally the only thing you have ever said that I've agreed with. Thanks mom." Connor said.

"You're not clean either."

"What did I do?"

"You know what you did!"

When you are younger
You'll wish you're older
Then when you're older
You'll wish for time to turn around

"Like time travel?"Jared asked.

"No dipshit, not time travel." Connor said.

"Guys, b-be ni-ce." Evan stuttered.

Don't let your wonder turn into closure
When you get older
When you get older

"ooh, that run. Respect." Alana stated.

R-E-S-P-E-C-T, spell out what it means to me. Sorry I'll stop, just had to. Anyone who gets that ref is my new bestie.

Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh

When you are younger
You'll wish you're older
Then when you get older
You'll wish for time to turn around
Don't let your wonder turn into closure
When you get older
When you get older

"Okay, this is a pretty good song, I relate to it a lot." Larry said.

"I feel as if all the adults do, but I'm not quite there yet." Connor said.

"Ya'll are young. You have time." Heidi said.

Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh

I know you loved this song, but I have some very sad news.

"OH NO,DID BEN PLATT DIE?" Jared screamed.

No idiot, i just meant that after this song is the last song in the album and its a doozy. Maybe when its done we'll do deleted songs from Dear Evan Hansen.

"The END! NOOOO, but more songs YASSS!" Zoe screamed.

"I'm not related to her." Connor said.

"She's adopted." Cynthia said

"Really, mom."

"You wanna see the papers. I ain't kiddin boo."

Oh shit.

DEH listens to Ben Platt's albumWhere stories live. Discover now