Chapter 12

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The blonde haired boy screamed as he got pushed down the hill. The older kids laughing as the young boy tried to stop himself. He fell into a creek, his body becoming soaked and his clothes ruined. The only thing he could think is 'Naomi is gonna be so angry!' he got up. However, fell back down. He screamed in pain, his ankle twisted horribly. He started to crawl. A younger boy with black hair ran down to him. "Luci! Are you otay?" he whined, helping Luci. Luci nodded, "Of course, Cas! Can you go get Alf though?" he mumbled. The younger boy, Cas, nodded and went to get the other boy.

Week ???, Day ???

--??? pov--

I sit up to see a monitor next to me. My body is aching and there is a few cards next to me. My vision is blurry. I hear someone yell to soon hear a lot of footsteps. I focus my vision and see a doctor, no, a lot of doctors. I feel my hand twitch. I try to stop my hand from moving. I start to panic, my heart rate speeds up quickly.

"W-why am I here?!" I attempt to shout, my voice coming out much quieter than I expected.

A doctor puts a syringe in me, "Well, you were found in a puddle of your own blood by a friend of yours. You're body was covering in bruises and your wrist was broken and some other things..." The doctor explained, pointing at my cast. Ugh my brain isn't working right. My head is still throbbing.

"Did anyone visit me or is here for me?" I ask, looking at one of the doctors. The doctor nods and brings in three people. I try to focus to see who they are. It's Gabriel, Castiel and, Michael. I feel a small smile on my face when I see Michael. The doctor tells them, they have a little time with me before they have to go.

Michael goes near my bed and smiles slightly, "I'm sorry that happened to you..." he tells me. Gabriel and Castiel nod. Surprisingly, Gabriel gives me sour patch kids and sniggers. Castiel looks like he's gonna cry.

He walks near my bed, "I-im sorry I couldn't stop it from happening..." he mumbled. Tears running down his cheeks. "What even happened...?" I'm completely confused.

"You jumped off a building..." Gabriel said.

Flashback in Michael POV

I haven't seen Lucifer for a week. I hope he's alright. I leave the coffee shop as I see people crowded near the local library. On the roof is, I squint, Lucifer.  Castiel is now on the roof too. I rush to the library.

"Don't do it! Please!"

Lucifer shook his head no. Lucifer jumps off the roof. Castiel screamed and tried to grab for his sleeve. I attempt to catch him from where he fell. I fail. Police cars come to, thank goodness someone called the cops. There is an ambulance as well.

He's unconscious, blood tripping from his forehead. His wrist and leg looking messed up. I fall to my knees and sob. I can't stop sobbing. The doctors put him on a lift bed and put him in the ambulance. Castiel wanted to come along but, they left. Gabriel came running to me and Castiel. He starts asking what happened, no, screaming.

I look at Gabriel, sadly. "Oh. I don't rememb- my head!" My heart monitor starts to speed up again then drop rather quickly. My vision blurring again. Doctors yelling and a lot of foot steps. The world soon disappeared.

-skippy skip-

I opened my eyes, my stomach felt horrible and my head hurts. 'Just realized how hungry I am' I thought to myself. I look around to see I'm at Michael's house. He waves at me and hugs me, "You know school starts soon." He teased. I nodded.

"I hate school" I hissed, "But, since it's with you. It can't be that bad"

"Agreed" Michael smiled and gave me a bowl with sliced up fruit. "How are you feeling today?" He asked, looking slightly concerned.

"I feel fine. Just the usual is all."

The doctor shines the light in my eye. My breathing becomes quicker. I feel my dizzy. 

I whimper, trying to calm my self down. Needles... stabbing

"You alright?" I hear someone say. The warmth of their hand on my cheek. I gasp a bit and realize it's Michael. I nod, "Yea." 

Michael smiles and puts his forehead against mine, "when u jumped, I thought I lost you for good."

"Pfft... I'm satan! I never die." I sneered as he sad next to me. I finally feel content.

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