Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

I followed the Australian man down a hall but stopped when I saw a catering sign. "Oh my god! Can we please stop here first? I am starving." I said pointing at my stomach. "Yeah that's fine you can meet them after sound check. Just go to their dressing room. It's on the right at the end of this hall." he said smiling and I nodded. "Thank you!" I said returning the smile. I walked in and there were a bunch of men which I figured were part of the 5sos crew. I grabbed a plate and started putting everything on my plate. "Hungry aren't we?" I heard a girl say behind me. I turned around and saw a skinny girl with dark brown hair. "Yes." I said chuckling. "Me too." she said grabbing some food too. "I am Malikoa Hood by the way." she said smiling. I almost chocked on my spit. "Oh my god hi! Im..." I began but she cut me off. "I know who you are," she said laughing, "wanna sit with me?" she asked and I nodded. I am about to eat with Calum's sister!


After I ate and talked with Malikoa I was told I had to go to my meet and greet then sound check. I walked down the long hall from catering and found Greg. I followed him to where my meet and greet was. I walked around a corner and a bunch of people began screaming. It shocked me how many people where here. I smiled really big and waved. "Hi everyone!" I said as I got in my spot in front of the backdrop.

People began walking up and taking pictures. I received some gifts from some lovely fans. I was having the time of my life. Doing weird poses and hugging all the people that support me.

"Have you meet 5sos yet?" a girl asked me after we took a picture. "Not yet. I met Calums sister though and she is very nice." I said smiling. "Aw. Do you think you could give Luke this letter please?" she asked. "Of course babe!" I said taking the letter and putting it in my pocket. "Thank you so much. I love you!" she said hugging me. "I love you more." I said hugging her back.

After the meet and greet was done me and Greg walked back to behind the stage and I got my ear ins. While putting them on Greg returned with my microphone and handed it to me. "Thank you." I said to the man that helped me with my ear ins. I walked up onto the stage and waved at all the band members. "Wassup?!" I yelled at them and they laughed. "nothing girl let's play!" Jake the drummer yelled back. I nodded and waited for the first song to come on.

Bang Bang started and I started singing. It sounded so cool in an arena I had so much every right now. When Bang Bang finished I was out of breathe because I moved around a lot. I was now on Long Way Home (yes I know why would someone sing a song by the main act? Because it is the song that got me discovered by the boys and it's my favorite song.) Anyways I sat down on a step in the stage finally facing out at the arena and the music started.

"We're taking the long way home

Taking the long way home," I began.

"Take me back to the middle of nowhere

Back to the place only you and I share

Remember all the memories?

The fireflies and make-believe

Kicking back in the old school yard

Singing songs on our guitars

This is our reality

Crazy stupid, you and me

We know this is the way it's supposed to be..." I sang ready to go into the chorus.

"So we're taking the long way home

'Cause I don't wanna be wasting my time alone

I wanna get lost and drive forever with you,

Talkin' bout nothing, yeah, whatever, baby

So we're taking the long way home tonight" I stood up off the step and look out at the arena and froze. Holy shit. I can't sing with 5sos staring at me and it is their song!

I took a deep breathe, "Now we're stuck in the middle of nowhere

Yeah, you know we took our time to get there

We're hiding out in a dream

Catching fire like kerosene

And you know I'd never let you down

'Til the sun comes up, we can own this town

Something like make-believe

Living in a movie scene"

I couldn't stare at them as I sang because I would faint, but at least they looked like they were enjoying it.

I went into the bridge as I finished the chorus again, " Hitting every red light

Kissing at the stop signs, darling

Green Day's on the radio

And everything is alright

Now we're turning off the headlights, darling

We're just taking it slow"

"So we're taking the long way home

'Cause I don't wanna be wasting my time alone..." I hit the high note that added whenever I sang the song because I'm a girl I like to do shit like that. Also it makes it more of my own I don't want to copy the exact way they do it because the boys way is perfect. I think the boys were a little surprised because when I looked at them they looked shocked. I looked away quickly and finished the song.

"We're taking the long way home..." I finished and I heard clapping. "Damn girl that's better than our version!" Ashton yelled and I blushed. "Thank you. But it's not!" I said walking towards the end of the stage trying to act like in ok on the inside. "Your voice is better live." Calum said making me trip a little as I walked. "You ok?" he asked as I sat down at the end of the stage. "Not really." I said smiling/ shaking. They laughed. "Don't laugh I almost fell out when I saw you guys down here." I said blushing with embarrassment now. Why did I have to say that?! "It's alright we almost did too." Michael said smirking. Holy fuck andjkfkfifkfn! "Stop I am going to pass out." I said laughing but wanting to cry. "You are funny." Luke said laughing too. All I was doing was fangirling. "well thanks." I said. "Thanks for inviting me on the tour by the way." I said smiling. "Oh you're welcome. Thank you for actually coming. " Calum said in his beautiful accent. "I would never not come." I said realizing how weird it sounded and busted out laughing and they did too. I fell sideways laughing, "oh my god that sounded bad." I said not able to stop laughing. "Boys we picked the right opening act." Luke said slowing down his laughter. They all nodded in agreement. This is going to be the best year of my life.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2014 ⏰

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