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I'm just casually laying on my bed, playing my new favourite game. Fire emblem three houses. I've been anticipating its release since the first information dropped. I even knew which house I'd pick when I'd get the game, golden deer. The reason for that is simple. I've fallen in love with its house leader Claude von Riegan and his route is the only in which I can interact with him romantically. Now it's been some weeks after the release date and I'm pretty much done with his route. Ok now that's a total lie, I've played his route thrice. I can practically tell the whole story from my mind. I look at the clock, God it's already 3 am? I should stop playing and get to bed, good thing it's the weekend. I look at the screenshot of Claude in the Teatime mini game once more before turning off the console and laying myself to sleep. I don't even change out of my clothes before I drift off into my slumber.

A strange noise wakes me up. I look around the room to find this ominous portal just chilling in front of me. I think I maybe still dreaming and lay myself back to bed. This probably angered the portal and it starts sucking me into itself. I try to scream or hold onto something but it's too strong and fast. I close my eyes as the weird portal does its thing. At first I'm just floating around, colours of all kinds swirling around me yet not touching me, but now I'm actually falling down. Where am I going, what are these weird colours and shapes I'm seeing and will I be OK after this? Find out in the next episode of 'why is this happening to me? '. I suddenly see a bright light under neath me. I braze myself for impact as I shut my eyes again. I fall on something hard and let out a rather loud yelp. Of course I fell on my stomach, which knocked the wind out of my lungs. I cough some more before propping up myself. I get stopped by a cold sharp blade drawn pointing at my neck. I look up and see some familiar faces. The one pointing the blade at my neck is none other than the Byleth. His bland look piercing through my soul. Behind him I can see Seteth shielding the archbishop Rhea. "explain your presence this instant!" Seteth says in his demanding voice. I cough one more cough then answer "I'm sorry but I don't know, I don't even know what just happened. How was I able to travel from my room to this place just like that? I don't know", he looks at me suspiciously, "buuut you don't seem to even try to see my point of view so believe what you want. " I shrug a bit but my shoulders touch Byleths sword of the creator and retort back to their original position. "Outsider what is your name?" Rhea asks me. "(y/n), just (y/n) I've got no other titles" she nods and turns to Byleth who has his gaze always fixed on me. "Where are you from (y/n)? Your clothes look unfamiliar" I smile at her while answering "you wouldn't know the place. It's a country called (y/c)." Byleth looks into space for a bit before coming back to his senses and removing the blade from my neck. "Are you out of your mind!? What if she attacks lady Rhea!? " Seteth screeches to the male in front of me. I take this opportunity and stand up, yet my legs betray me. I fall back down before slowly and carefully getting up with the help of Byleths hand reaching out for me. I smile at him and thank him. Byleth let's out a small sigh, "she looks like a terrified animal, I doubt she even has enough will power to keep herself alive if we'd attack her" That's when I realize my whole body is shacking. My social anxiety kicking in. I must look like a mess haha. I clasp my hands in front of my stomach to stop myself from being so visibly shacking. "y-you're not wrong, I don't know how to fight. I learned how to defend myself sure, but against you with that sword? I'd be dead on the floor before you even drew your sword hehe..." the joke seems to only ruin the mood even more, well that went like planed. Byleth sheaths his sword again but keeps his right hand on the handle just to be sure. "What do we do now with you? You don't seem to be an assassin, nor even a trained soldier. You're from a country we've never heard of before, if we'd believe your words, and you wear foreign clothes.... Rhea I'd say accompany her to the door and the situation is dealt with." Seteth says with cold eyes. "OK that's j-just cruel. I can't fight, have no home and now you just want to a-abandon me like some stray dog from the streets?", I puff my cheeks and cross my arms, " but I think I could have some use in this place. You see I have obtained some useful information from the future if you can say it like that." I smirk a little, my arms still shacking a little. God my anxiety is off the rocks. "Pah! And now she claims to know the future! Out with her this instant!" Rhea places a hand on his shoulder and walks forward to face me fully. "Don't be so harsh, I want to know what this stranger has to say. Tell me, what information could you hold about our situation? Do you even know who we are?" "of course I know who you are! I know everything about you Lady Rhea and you Byleth", I say without skipping a beat, "though you Seteth are still a mystery to me". I smile at him and go back to my calm demeanor. "to the future of Garreg mach, now that's pretty difficult to explain. Let's start with some basics. Did Lord Lonato already attack the church?" Byleth looks a little shocked, Rhea has a small smile on her lips and Seteth keeps his gourd up, but is intrigued none the less. "yes, it happened yesterday" Rhea answers instantly. "Oh perfect! That means that the Gautier Hero's relic gets stolen by thief's this month. The leader of the thief's gang is going to be one of Sylvains big brothers who was unfortunate to not receive a crest at birth. He stole the Lance of ruin and tries to wield it in battle. Byleth you and your class get assigned to retrieve the weapon but as soon as you corner them, the brother attacks with it. Him being incompatible with the Lance starts to get eaten by the crest stone and turns into a big monster. With your students you defeat the beast and bring back the weapon." everyone is silent. Now Seteth looks just as surprised as Byleth and The archbishop smiles even more. "this was a test, you see (y/n) the stolen relic was actually already stolen this month. Byleth has just reported to us what happened and what you just said matches Byleths report one to one. And it should've been impossible to know about this at this current time. You also don't seem to be an accomplice of his. Tell me, how do you know of this? There's no way you just know what's going to happen." Rhea responds, her motherly demeanor helping me relax some more. "Then I'd need to start with my home. I am not sure but I'm fairly certain that I'm from another world. As my world has long abandoned swords and weapons as such and continued with more advanced ones, I'd love to explain them yet I think that would only confuse you more in the long run. What is also a pretty big deal is that the concept of magic only exists in fairy tales and legends. We don't have wizards nor priests wielding the arts of magic. Also dragons and Pegasus don't exist." I try to continue but Seteth interrupts me. "And how should we belive you?" his glare making me shrink back. "W-Well I can't, the only way would be to look into my head and see my memories for yourself, yet magic like that doesn't exist right? I'm asking you to just listen to my story and form your opinion on this matter for yourself after I'm done," he still looks fairly skeptical, "please I ask this favour of you." I plead and he sighs and gestures me to continue. "Thank you, now to where I left off... right. So the concept of all these things is known but they're not reality. Yet humans love stories and these elements make great ideas for them to enlighten the boring lives of people. And now there's this story called Fire Emblem, three houses in my world. It's a story about an emotionless man being brought to an academy in which he has to teach a class of children how to fight. He can choose between three houses, each corresponding to one region of their homeland Fódlan. The academy is lead by the central church. After choosing a house many battles happen and in the end a great twist occurs changing Fódlan. Now my point is, I know everyone of you, because you are fictional characters from a story I love in my word." They look at me with blank faces, this is a lot to take in i guess. "From which perspective was this story written?" Byleth surprisingly asks. "Yours. I know why you're thinking a lot" I wink at him. "So if we'd belive you, what happens next?" Seteth asks, still suspicious but a bit interested too. I put my hand to my chin to think. "Oh that its... Christ! Seteth where's Flayn!?" I startle him and some guards in the room. "She should be in her room as usual. Why will something happen to her!?" He asks frantically. "Yes. Go quickly and see for yourself if she's really still there. This is very important!" He looks at Rhea and she nods to him. He bows before running off. "What is going to happen to Flayn?" Rhea asks worriedly. "She's going to be kidnapped by the death knight. Thankfully she'll continue to live. Still I don't want to see Seteth all freaked out by this again, he doesn't deserve it." I shake my head a little. As Rhea starts to speak up again we can hear frantic footsteps running up to the room. Seteth practically running to us as if death was right behind him. "She-she's gone! Is Flayn alright!? What has happened to her!?" He grips my shoulders and turns me to him, hurting me a little while doing so. I take my hands and hold his shoulders in return to try and calm him down. "Listen up Seteth, Flayn will be alright. She's alive and can return to perfect health in no time after we've found her. Get a grip" I tell him and he calms down. He lets go of me. "Rhea I know this is very sudden, but please let me join Byleths class and help him in this search." I bow before her. "I have a feeling with your joining, our search will end in no time. I may only know you for less than an hour, but I've already seemed to trust you. From today you will be part of the golden deer. Byleth, this months task will be to search for Flayn. And please show your new student her quarters." Byleth nods and gestures me to follow him. I quickly catch up to him and walk with him to the dorms on the first floor. Once I'm certain there i's no-one around I start up a conversation, still in a rather hushed voice. Just to be sure really no-one hears this. "I know you can hear and see Sothis." I blurt out. He looks at me a bit shocked. I smile and continue, "Haha she's probably saying something of the lines like 'How odd, how where the people of her world able to know this? If she knows this much, maybe she knows even more. Quick ask her about this!'" I say that last part in a british accent. Byleths eyes widen some more, damn he really has his emotions on his sleeve. "How did you-" "In the story we can see everything out of your perspective and with that we can even hear your thoughts and with that also Sothis voice. After reading a story you can most of the times tell what kind of personality someone has and how they react to certain things. It's not that hard." We walk some more before we're in front of a room. "This is your room, call me if you need anything. Also can you tell me more about myself?" "Everything to its appropriate time my dear. It's too soon, you couldn't do anything with it at the moment." he looks down a bit, his face emotionless as ever. "Well I'll be going to bed now, could you pick me up tomorrow to walk me to class? I'm actually quite anxious about these kinds of things." "Of course, I'll also bring you you're uniform, we can't have you walk around in these clothes. It would stir up quite the confusion around the students." I nod "Don't worry, I won't leave my room until you arrive." He smiles a bit "well good night." "Good night" I respond and he walks to his room. I open the door, lock it with the key that is sticking inside the keyhole and turn to my bed. I let myself fall on it and turn to lay on my back. How is this happening to me!? Aaaaaaah! Wait could this mean I'll be able to not only meet Claude but even make him fall for me!? I cover my face with my pillow and squel into it. I can't wait...

(DISCONTINUED) From another world (Claude x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now